and you wonder why i don't speak

24 4 8

this one is a bit more melancholy. please give your opinions<3


and you wonder why i don't speak

The light is shining from the sun through the door

And they are sorting out taxes.

Dust in the air is illuminated, swirling,

And they are yelling about drugs.

Warm coffee is brewing politely,

And they are picking flesh out of their teeth.

Leaves dance through the autumn breeze,

And the news hums about crime rates.

A bushy red squirrel makes a home in a hollowed out tree

And a cop kneels on a life.

Ants hurry to steal cracker crumbs off the sidewalk,

And you punched a hole in my door.

The sky is dark with flocks of geese coming home,

And smoke stacks burn on.

Thunder rolls in on thick grey clouds,

And the numbing light of the television glares.

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