for the first time

13 3 1

a happy, warm, glowing one. (i would love your-yes you lovely reader- thoughts)


for the first time

Christmas lights reflect in the dark window,

The glass distorting the colors until they look like

Glowing orbs. Fresh snow falls upon the greying banks lining the road.

Each house looks the same. Same wreaths, same inflatables, same trees.

Normally, that would disturb you, but tonight, it's comforting.

A tan knitted blanket is wrapped around your shoulders and a candle gives the room an orange glow.

A christmas hymn plays from another room, lightly so that you can't make out the words.

Sitting in the window, you lean your head against the cool glass.

The chill pinks your cheeks and nose, and feels good.

A smile begins to form in the corner of your mouth.

It is warm inside your soul.

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