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a calming piece I love. I'm always open to critiques 



It is winter in Antarctica and all the lights are off.

Strangers on pianos play melancholy melodies.

Do you remember playing hopscotch and throwing pebbles, not stones, betting on which square it would land?

Do you remember the lyrics that played as your tears dropped in rhythm to the rain? The bell always rings at twelve and we are not the same.

We wake up a bit more broken than we were yesterday, more chipped.

CAUTION: we are fragile.

CAUTION: it is dark out here.

CAUTION: this is all we get.

We were good mistakes, at least I'd like to think so.

Now is not the time to rattle your lungs.

Lay back down, be rocked to sleep by the cosmos.

Wear constellations as blankets,

Whole universes as pillows.

You, all alone, as it was meant to be. 

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