rainbow girl

9 3 4

rainbow girl

You kissed me

And I saw all the colors,

Even the unimaginable ones.

The ones we would make up

Funny names for when we were kids.

You kissed me

And the sun fell from the sky

And landed on your lips.

You tasted so bright.

My mouth felt like a masterpiece

You painted with your tongue.

I was too in awe of your

Art to breathe.

The sky collapsed when you

Weaved your hands into my hair,

As if you were trying to create something.

You kissed me

With drugs on your lips,

I am hooked.

You kissed me

With fate held in your eyes,

I am deathless.

You kissed me

Whispering my name,

I am yours.


Can I tell you a secret? I've never kissed any one :(

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