The end

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Deenas Pov

Y/N, Kate, and Simon hadn't made it. Josh, Sam, and I felt so guilty -Sam the most-.

"We we're picking up Sam's prescription. We hid until it was over."

"How'd you get that?" Nick Goode asked pointing at my hand. "I fell on some glass." I lied.

"I'll tell you what the facts tell me. The junkies-"

"Kate, Simon, and Y/N?" I cut him off. "They're to blame for everything. That feels too easy to me. But that's the story this department will go with unless you can help me see it differently." He instructed.

"Another Shadyside tragedy. An underprivileged overachiever with bright prospects. A guy who's been supporting his family alone since he was 15. A young girl who raised herself but still had high hopes. Two of them succumbing to the quick cash of drugs. The other supporting both of them no matter what. Fits the narrative, right? Nice and neat." I defended the people who died for me, for Josh, for Sam.

"You came here for my help. I should have listened to you. I'm sorry. I'm listening now." He leaned forward. "But there's nothing else to say." I say back.

"Do you really what your friends going down for this?" He asked. "No. But they're dead." I snapped. He pressed pause on the tape recorder.

"Let's go." I walked into the waiting room. Sam and Josh stood up. "Anything come to you, call me." Goode said to Sam and I.

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