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Chapter 13: chase the ice cream or try the pizza?

a week passed by and Max seems to fit in right at school, he mostly hangs out with Eva, Care, and i and spends a lot of time at home. 

i did manage to get a prescription for the pills and i've been taking way too much. 

mom and dad have been either arguing way too much, or ignoring each other. dad apologizes every second and mom just ignores him, which is so unfair since mom is the one supposed to apologize at this point. 

"Miss Valentine!" i hear and then look up to see the entire class looking at me. 

"sorry-" i start and then feel something dripping from my nose, i put my fingers to my nose to realize i'm nose bleeding. 

"Miles-" Max starts and i shake my head, i grab my bag and run out of the class. i run out and then get to the bathroom, i grab a bunch of tissues and try to remove all the blood, i then take some tissues and stick it in my nose a bit. i open my bag and grab the pills.

i take a moment to think and then swallow two pills. i then remove the tissue from my nose and get out of the bathroom, i start walking around the halls when the bell rings and the hall ways start to get full, i look around feeling dizzy, it's like the room is spinning, everyone's closing in on me.

my breathing gets heavier, and it gets harder to breath, suddenly someone touches my shoulder and i turn around to see it's Jackson, everything around us freezes, slows down. 

"Jackson." i say smiling. 

"i don't need your charity." he says.

"what?" my smile slowly fades away. 

"i don't need your charity okay? you said you didn't wanna help me at first, and now you want to help?" he says.

"i never-" i start.

"oh c'mon Miles, your selfish all you care about is making sure you keep your little rich girl image. wake up Miles some people have real problems." he says.

"i don't. i know i'm sorry-" i start.

"i said i don't need your charity, so tell your dad we will be paying him for his services." he says.

"you don't have-" i start but then stop, the words won't come out.

"Bianca was right, you're selfish and only care about your reputation, you're not different from all these rich kids." he says in disgust and i feel tears falling down my cheeks. i look around and it feels like everything is closing in again, it feels like people are getting closer, and I can't breath anymore. 

before I know I feel the cold floor against my body and everything goes dark. 


I wake up in my room both my parents staring at me. 

"what happened?" I ask confused. 

"do you not remember anything?" my dad asks in a sweet and calming voice. 

I shake my head.

"you've been taking the pills again, haven't you!" mom yells. I close my eyes hearing her voice echo in my head.

"you know exactly what happened the last time!" she says pacing around the room holding the container of pills in her hands. 

"yeah, but I need them." I remind them.

"so we're all just going to act like you didn't go-" she stops halfway realizing what she's saying.

"crazy? psycho?" I say finishing her sentence, I look at her angrily and stand up opening the door to my room, "get out." I tell her through gritted teeth. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2021 ⏰

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