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Chapter 01: Rip City

I don't know if whether it was because today is Monday or because I'm about to enter a new school and be the new student, but I'm really not feeling it today. 

"Can't I please just skip today?" I beg my mom.

"It won't be that bad. What's the worse that could happen anyway?" she says putting a few files away.

"Er, I don't know. Maybe I'll arrive and trip on my own feet, bump into someone, be recorded, everyone making fun of me. Not managing to open my locker. Basically making a complete and utter fool of myself. You know the usual." I say in a very sarcastic tone. I'm a very clumsy person, but mostly awkward. Clumsy and awkward. 

Mom shakes her head, and looks at me, "Come on now. Clark is waiting outside for you." she says and I look down annoyed.

Clark is our driver, he's been our chauffeur for as long as I can remember, he may be old but he's my bestfriend. See when both your parents are known as the best lawyers, and that your family is like rich rich you don't really make real friends. The friends you make are only around you for your money and all the advantages and privileges you get. 

Which is honestly disgusting.

So I avoid making friends in general. 

I sigh and grab my bag from the floor going to the door, "Have a nice day sweetie!" mom says and I open the front door and then close it .... not forgetting to slam it shut.

"Woah, woah, woah. Easy with that door. I'm sure whatever it did to you it's very sorry." I hear Clark say standing by the shinning black Range Rover.

I chuckles and say, "Clark can we please skip today?" I beg him.

"You know I'd do anything for you kiddo, but that. Your parents would hate me forever." he says opening the back seat door.

I roll my eyes and groan, "Was worth trying." 

He chuckles and I get in the back seat. He goes to the driver's seat and starts the car. He turns on the radio and gives puts the news on, "I still don't understand why you put the news on, we're in Portland, Oregon!" I dramatize.

"You haven't done any research on Portland or Oregon have you?" he says eyeing me through the rear view mirror.

"Nope." I say shaking my head as I put my bag on the far right seat and lay in the seats using my bag as a pillow. I cross my arms over my stomach and look at the car roof above me.

"Oregon is dangerous, and Portland is the second most dangerous city in this state." he says.

I sit up putting my weight on my elbows and exclaim, "Seriously? Actually?" 

"Yeah, it's known as Rip City." he says.

"Then why the bloody hell did we move here?" I say confused.

"For your parents work. Now come on sit up straight we're here." he says as we enter the parking lot. I groan and fall on my back.

I was happy in New York, in my private school. Living my own little life by myself. And now here I am in Rip City.

We come to a stop and I feel Clark looking at me, "Come on, Ms Grumpy we're here."

I sigh, "You really aren't gonna let me escape this are you?" 

He shakes his head and laughs, "No. But if you want I'll walk you to your locker."

"Fine. I'll go." I say and sit up straight. I open the door and take my bag, I swing it on my back and slam the door shut. Thank god Clark parked in the back and no one can see us from here.

The rich girl, and the shy boy X Jackson PassagliaWhere stories live. Discover now