Ch. 8 / I'll Fight Their Doubt And Give You Faith

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Two years later...

It was another typical day at the Swift household. Andrea was busy in the kitchen, Austin played video games, and Scott was out for work, while Karlie helped Taylor get ready for her date with Harry. Taylor wanted to look all pampered up because it was her and Harry's second anniversary as a couple.

Taylor and Harry have already come a long way from when they started dating two years ago. Although they bicker a lot, they still find a way to make up and quit being mad at each other. Experiencing all the highs and lows of life together, just made everything worth it. They have this deep mutual understanding that no other person could have with any of them. They understand each other in a way that was almost impossible, but we could guess that it must be the magic of love. Their love was stronger than ever, which was why it was important for them to celebrate their second year anniversary of being together. Since Harry's family was quite wealthy and he was now managing a fancy restaurant of his own, he had enough money to rent an expensive yacht for their date. Taylor didn't have a clue about it, so he was sort of excited to finally take her there and shower her with all the love and appreciation she deserved.

Harry arrived at the house earlier than what was expected, so he had to wait in the living room for his girlfriend to finish getting ready. While he was waiting, the front door opened and revealed Scott, who just got home from work. He was a stock broker, and his office was at just a fifteen-minute ride from his home, hence why he was already home early.

"Hey Scott!" Harry greeted cheerfully.

Scott looked up and smiled once he saw Harry sitting on the couch in the living room. "Hey, Harry! I didn't know you were coming over today," he said as he placed his briefcase on the coffee table.

"Honey, today is their second year anniversary, remember?" Andrea said as she walked in the living room to greet her husband lovingly.

"Oh, right. How did I forget that," Scott muttered sheepishly. "So, where are you going to take her?" He asked casually, although a hint of protectiveness was evident in his voice.

"She still doesn't know, but we're going to have a little romantic dinner on a yacht," Harry whispered, because Taylor might hear it. "I'm going to surprise her," he grinned.

"Oh, that is so romantic!" Andrea exclaimed excitedly, but not loud enough for Taylor to hear from inside her bedroom. "She's going to love it, Harry. Thank you for making our baby girl happy."

"It's my pleasure. I love making her happy," He replied with a big smile on his face.

"I better go back to the kitchen and get ready for supper," Andrea reminded herself as she peeled herself off from her husband and headed back to the kitchen.

Once Harry was alone with Scott again, he couldn't help but finally ask a question that had been bothering him since the very beginning.

"Hey, Scott, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, son," Scott said as he sat on the other couch across from Harry.

"Is it possible for Taylor to see again?" Harry asked curiously.

"Why did you ask?"

"I'm just wondering," Harry sighed. He wanted to give Taylor all the best in life, and he thought that finding a way to make her see would be the best thing he could do for her.

Scott clasped his hands in front of him as he started to think of a proper answer to the young man in front of him. "Well, yes. She was born with the disability. When she was young, there wasn't a cure. But just a few years ago, I have learned a new technology that could use a cornea to give her sight. She could still get tested for cornea transplant," he said.

"Why didn't she have a cornea transplant right away?" Harry asked, feeling a little puzzled.

Scott sighed as he relived the day they found out Taylor was blind. "A few weeks after she was born, we found out that her blindness cannot be cured, so when she was old enough, we enrolled her at a school for the visually impaired. She had immediate progress. She was almost living a normal life and she had learned to accept her disability and love her for who she is. When I found out about the new cure a just few years ago, I asked her if she still wanted to do the transplant. She knew we weren't that good in financial means that time. She answered no, and told us that she's already used to what she's doing, and that's okay with her. I still signed her up for a donor. She was at the bottom of the list at that time, and donors are really rare. Up until now, the authority haven't contacted us yet with regards to a donor," he explained, feeling a little depressed.

Harry took-in all the information and thought about it quickly. "So if there will be a donor that would prefer to give his or her cornea to her, she'll be able to see again?"

"Yes, as long as it's a match and the transplant would be successful... Are you planning on donating yours to her? She would never let you," Scott warned. In fact, he wouldn't even let Harry do that, no matter how much he wanted his daughter to have a donor.

Harry nodded and understood what Taylor's father meant. "I've thought about it. I actually considered not telling her until the transplant was finished, but I couldn't do that to her. I know she will feel betrayed and it will hurt her. And I won't be able to take care of her if I give up my eye sight. I want to be the one taking care of her."

"She's happy, Harry. She's happy she has you. Your presence is enough for her. She's a very grateful person... You are perfect for her. No one could have been any better," Scott complimented Harry. Having Harry as part of the family was such a blessing. He was truly glad his daughter had found a guy who would love her through anything.

"Thank you. I'm glad she's my girlfriend too. She's an angel," Harry said, smiling at how amazing Taylor was.

Soon enough, the door of Taylor's room finally opened and Harry's heart warmed at the sound of Taylor's giggles. He immediately excused himself from Scott before heading towards the direction of the room, so he could finally see his beautiful girlfriend.

"Hazza? Is it you?" Taylor asked, surprised as she felt someone slip his hands on both sides of her waist.

"Yes, it's me. You look gorgeous, love," Harry murmured as he leaned closer to her and pressed his lips on her rosy cheek.

"Happy second year anniversary, baby," Taylor greeted him before wrapping her arms around his waist and snuggling her face against his chest.

"Happy anniversary, love," Harry replied upon holding her tightly in his arms.

Taylor's family seemed to have enjoyed watching that precious moment, seeing they were standing a few feet from the couple with awe written all over their faces. Harry chuckled at the sight and pulled away from the hug, but kept one arm wrapped around Taylor's waist. He thanked Karlie for helping Taylor get ready for their date, and they said their goodbyes before the lovely couple left the house.

"Where are we going, baby?" Taylor asked anxiously, as the two of them entered the elevator.

"It's a surprise, love," he replied, kissing her temple.

Taylor pouted cutely, causing Harry to laugh heartily.

"You and I are going on a lovely date. It's going to be the best night ever," he murmured before leaning in and capturing her luscious lips into a breathtaking kiss.

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