Before the Fall

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Noctis Lucius Caleum staggers forward, darkness blurring at the edges of his vision. His royal clothes feel sweltering as the flames light his dark eyes. He wipes sweat from his brow with the back of his sleeve, hardly kingly but absolutely necessary. The heat from the fire is cloying, a physical presence that weighs down on him.

He grunts in a breath and rallies his strength for a charge at the Infernian, the god a towering demonic presence on a throne of bones. The god looks bored as Noctis draw closer, easily repelling the attacks from the young man in black.

A pillar of fire erupts from the Infernian and Noctis is too slow to move. The fire envelops him, launching him away, his body crunching into the ground, sending ripples of pain up his body. His garments are on fire and someone slides to his side.

Prompto Argentum gets down on his knees beside Noctis, rapidly patting out the flames with his gloved hands. His blonde hair looks like a golden flame in the darkness and the heat. "Noct! Hang in there, buddy!" Prompto says as Noctis coughs on smoke. "Stay down," Prompto instructs. "We'll keep him busy."

Prompto rejoins the battle as Noctis staggers to his feet. He sways, hearing a familiar voice yell, "Noct! Over here!" through the haze. Then another familiar form is at his side, long dark braids making her look alive within the darkness, supporting him.

"Get to Ignis," she says, calm as always, her longbow notched with icy arrow shafts. "I have your back, my king," Chrysanthem Aemulatora says with a half grin as she turns and fires, arrow winging true even as she vaults through the air.

"Noct!" Ignis Scientia yells, glasses gleaming silver in the firelight. "Over here!"

Noctis sees Ignis in the cover of a stone ledge and tries to move to him, but his wounds sing in pain. "Quickly, before he strikes again!" Ignis urges.

Suddenly Noctis is tackled from behind, a glimpse of a broad sword and a broad chest telling him who it is. Gladiolus Amiticia, his self-appointed Shield, pulls his to cover with Ignis, his adviser there to place a steadying hand on Noctis's shoulder.

Prompto and then Chrysanthem slide into cover in moments, both covered in soot but with bright, focused eyes. "Here it comes!" Prompto warns.

Gladiolus and Chrysanthem join arms over the huddled comrades, protecting them from the pillar of flame washing out of the Infernian. Noctis feels the heat at his back but also the body heat from his loyal retainers, Chrysanthem's determined face, Gladiolus's strong arms, Ignis's steady hands and Prompto's energy. As the flames break, his comrades release their hold and charge back into the fray, Gladiolus and Prompto leading.

"Got your back!" Prompto yells to noctis as he pauses, guns blazing. Gladiolus nods an affirmation, sword already winding up. Chrysanthem unstrings her longbow in one fluid movement and activated the blades at its edges. She looks back once at Noctis with an unfathomable gaze before wielding her weapon with exquisite and deadly grace.

Ignis stands and holds out a curative to Noctis. "Are you ready?" he asks, daggers ready in a reverse grip.

Noctis nods and follows his friends into the fray. "Let's go!"

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