3 - Let's go hunting

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"She ain't gon' be ready for a while," Cindy informs them. "Ya'll need something?"

Noctis and his retainers have regrouped after wandering around Hammerhead for a while. Chrys had come out of the woods just as they were heading over to the garage to talk with Cindy and Cid. She'd had leaves in her hair that Prompto had picked out as she blushed furiously. Now, they're planning to ask Cindy for a way to earn some cash while they wait. Being a Pauper Prince isn't a good look, Noct grimaces to himself.

"Hate to ask," Noct says. "But we're strapped for cash."

"Yeah," Gladio chimes in. "Any way we could earn a little?"

"Oh, now I get it," Cindy says, crossing her arms. "This must be what Paw-paw meant when he said he was gonna 'teach them boys a lesson'. Told me he oughta have ya'll take care of some ornery varmints that've been causin' a ruckus 'round here. I'd be happy to pau ya'll for your services if you're up for the challenge. How 'bout it?"

Noct sees a pleased look come into Chrys's eye. She doesn't like being cooped up with nothing to do. Gladio nudges him in the side. "Old man's got it out for you, Noct," he says with a laugh. "Let's do it. Show him what we got."

"Normally when we need help with varmints, we just call the Hunters," Cindy explains.

"Hunters?" Noct interrupts.

"Band o' bounty hunters, come out from the city. Keep these parts safe – provided the money's right," Cindy says. "But ya'll look like a rough and tumble bunch." She eyes Chrys with a critical look that the dark-haired woman gives right back. "I reckon you'll round up those critters lickety split." If Ignis didn't know better, he'd suspect Cindy is challenging Chrys specifically. Both are scrappy women making their way in the world; maybe it's their way of sounding each other out. Chrys looks ready to put an arrow through Cindy so he nods his assent to Cindy and draws Noct away. Dutifully Chrys, Gladio and Prompto follow.

They head to the edge of the town, looking out across the rocky, rolling ground outside Hammerhead. "Best get started so we're not out at dark," Ignis says practically.


They find the 'varmints' Cindy was talking about relatively easily.

Before them are a series of reapertails, ugly, insectoid creatures akin to scorpions. Most of their body is black with red at the claws and the very sharp stinger. A layer of chitinous matter covers the whole creature, giving it a modicum of defense against bigger predators. They don't look like a challenge to Noctis and his well-trained retainers but there are many of them in the area so it will be more about endurance than strength.

"Looks like we've located our first targets," Ignis says, eyes cataloguing the field. "Ready, Noct?"

Noct nods, his sword materializing in his hand, ready for a warp. Prompto checks his bullets, Gladio swings his greatsword over his shoulder and Ignis unsheathes his spelldaggers. Noct looks to see they're all ready, Chrys with her longbow ready to climb to a nearby crop of rocks to give them ranged support. "Shall we?" he asks, and then warps into the middle of the reapertails.

Gladio is the first to join him in close combat, his sword creating swathes of space around them. Prompto fires as he joins them, staying further out for mobility's sake and to allow himself to reload without interference. Ignis wades in from one side, always keeping an eye on all of them and looking for opportunities. Chrys scales the rock formation with alacrity and sets herself up with her bow to pick off any stragglers.

The five of them have been training together for months, the four boys for longer. This is a chance to test and prove tactics in the field. They make adjustments as they fight, Ignis ever the tactician. When it becomes clear five trained people are not needed, he backs off, observing how the others fight so he knows how to make future calls.

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