Save Me a Spot at the Picnic

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 (Warning: talk of death, kinda self injury, dead people, kinda cults, grief, beheading, death penalty, ghosts, that type of thing)
     Scott couldn't help the seething rage he felt.

     It all started on the most pleasant morning he had ever experienced. The blue jays were chirping from their perches in the trees, the salmon swam peacefully in the crystal blue pond, wind rustled the wild flowers gently. The sun felt like a warm hug, coloring the cyan haired man's face in a peachy glow. Looking through the leaves of the large oak, he could see the shapes of white puffy clouds dotted the sky. Humming came from below, making its way up to Scott. He watched as the blond man came up the hill, a blanket and basket in hand for a picnic later. The smile on his husband's face grew when he caught sight of Scott laying their peacefully.

     That should be an indication that everything was about to go wrong.

     The two flower husbands only got married a few days before, matching rings besides the gems glittered on their ring fingers. The giddiness of living the best life with someone you love to death was feeling Scott with glee. He could forget about the war threatening to take away their beloved home at a moment's notice. He could forget everything if he could just lay on this blanket with Jimmy, holding each other's gaze with hands intertwined together.

     But that wasn't the case as horns blared and interrupted their tranquility.

     The birds flew away in fear, the salmon hid under lily pads, the flowers seemed to wilt when Scott saw the people he wanted to forget about.

     "Ah, if it isn't the people who had made the wrong decision." Ren had a smile on his face but it was dipping into being a sneer. He continued, "If you would like to be pathetic during the war, living some naive fantasy, you would follow my directions to their full extent." His pearly white canines flashed in the sun, making him look more and more like a wild dog hybrid than ever.

     "No way, we had said we wanted our honeymoon to be unbothered, just leave us alone," Jimmy tried to act brave but Scott could hear the underlying fear that made his voice slightly higher than what it was in actuality.

     "You can just come back to this if you follow me."

     Scott looked at the basket, still full of their lunch and the red and white checkered blanket that rest underneath them. He looked at the sky and how blue it was (afterwards, he recognized the sky was as blue as Jimmy's eyes.)

     "We can come back to this later, we still have a full day," he tried to reassure his husband who looked conflicted and scared. "We will be back to enjoy our lunch and I bet the sky wouldn't have changed as much by then."

     "Fine," Jimmy muttered begrudgingly, "but we will resume our picnic and our honeymoon unbothered, right?"

     "Yes, we will leave you alone after this." Ren's words sounded truthful, at least enough for Scott to believe.

     With that, the two got up and left the woven basket and cotton blankets on the emerald green grass.


     Scott could feel the nervous energy in the aura around Jimmy.

     "We shouldn't do this, this is dangerous and I bet it is going to end poorly," the blond whispered to his husband with uncertainty. "We should have just moved to get away from this or something." Scott just squeezed his hand and smiled.

     "It will be alright, we are both protected and they can't hurt us too bad. They are probably going to try and get us to be apart of their weird cult again and then we will be off to finish what we started." They really didn't have anything to fear, their armor was pulled on tight and they had their own swords strapped at their hips. They weren't completely prepared to make a journey when the Dogwarts arrived but they still had everything in reach in case of a violent mob (or friend that decided to turn their back, Scott thinks with anger running through his veins.)

"I Will Smile Right Through it and I'll Scream when No One's Around."حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن