The Passing Playbook (2021)

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Title: The Passing Playbook
Author: Isaac Fitzsimons
Date Published: June 2021
Publisher: Dial

I'll admit, there is something about these "passing" books that cause me anxiety. When a trans character starts a novel as stealth, there is a 99% chance the story will not end with them being stealth. There's an inevitability to them either being outed against their will or coming out themselves.

As someone who has been living stealth for close to two decades, this plot narrative hits a raw nerve. This book especially had this effect on me, maybe because the internal dialogue that Spencer, the MC, has felt so damn authentic. It really resonated and I couldn't shake this story from my head for WEEKS after finishing it.

Ok, so this story is an MxM romance and the lead is into soccer. I'm straight and totally unathletic. I'm also way older than the characters. But none of that mattered. I binge-read this story and had no regrets. The characters are fully developed and the pacing is spot on. Very well-written. Highly recommended reading!

I can't think of any trigger warnings, except there was some debate about religion and acceptance.

Synopsis (copied from GoodReads):

Fifteen-year-old Spencer Harris is a proud nerd, an awesome big brother and a Messi-in-training. He's also transgender. After transitioning at his old school leads to a year of bullying, Spencer gets a fresh start at Oakley, the most liberal private school in Ohio.

At Oakley, Spencer seems to have it all: more accepting classmates, a decent shot at a starting position on the boy's soccer team, great new friends, and maybe even something more than friendship with one of his teammates. The problem is, no one at Oakley knows Spencer is trans - he's passing.

So when a discriminatory law forces Spencer's coach to bench him after he discovers the 'F' on Spencer's birth certificate, Spencer has to make a choice: cheer his team on from the sidelines or publicly fight for his right to play, even if it means coming out to everyone - including the guy he's falling for.

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