Chapter 7:~Fear~

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Elora sat in her room. She felt fear. Whatever she did, she could feel the wizards watching her. What did she have that was so special for them.
She was alone. Elladan was away on a hunting trip with his brother Elrohir. But being without her husband now when she knew the orcs were looking for her, scared her.
She had had nightmares lightly about the wizard's having her under their control.
Emersion was gone to gather some ingredients for a potion against her shakings and nightmares. She had been to Rivendell a week ago in hope that her father in law could provide her something against the nightmares. But it had been no luck.

She looked down at her shaking hands and she slowly started to cry.

"Legolas, laddie, are you sure about this?,"Gimli asked worriedly. And Legolas sighed, "She's my sister, Gimli. And right now, she's very scared and alone. I need to be there for her," And Aragorn got off his horse, "We all do. Galadriel told us that Gandalf has been sent back again to help us against Saruman," "Indeed I have!,"The wizard interrupted. And Gimli smiled, "Gandalf! It's good to see you again," Gandalf smiled, "You too, Master dwarf," And he looked up at Legolas, "My dear boy. It's good to see you again," And Legolas smiled, "It's good to see you too, Mithrandir," And he hugged the wizard. "Well, where do we have your sister?,"Gandalf asked Legolas. And Legolas sighed, "I suppose she's inside in castle," And they entered the light stoned great castle.

Elora sat in her room, crying. And one of her dragons. The silvery dragon cub Seara crawled into her lap. Seara was very small. Starlight was a Fire-ice dragon. And then she had a giant fire dragon named Nagendra.
"You never leave me, do you?," And Seara let out a cry in response before making herself comfortable before falling asleep in her lap.
Elora started crying again and laid down Seara in her side of her and Elladan's bed.
And sat down on the edge of the bed and continued crying.

Legolas, Aragorn, Gimli and Gandalf entered the throne room.
"Elora!,"Legolas called. And North passed through the throne room.
"My dear Sir, do you know where The Queen is?,"Gandalf asked gently.
North looked confused at the wizard, "Gandalf, you're here. If you're looking for The Queen, she's in her and The King's chambers, I think. She hasn't left their room in the whole morning," And he left.
In the whole morning. This made Legolas even more worried.

The walked down the corridors until they reached Elora's & Elladan's bedchambers.
"Elora?,"Legolas asked gently as he knocked on the double doors.
Elora immediately looked up as she heard her brother's voice. "My dear, open the door so we can talk,"Gandalf said gently not to scare the young elleth, daughter of Thranduil, that he had never met.
Elora used her magic to unlock the door since she didn't dare to move.
Legolas gently opened the door and saw Elora sitting in her bed, crying.
Gandalf sighed deeply and Legolas went over to his sister and squatted down by her,
"Muinthel, what's wrong?,"He asked gently as he took his sister's shaking hand.
And Elora swallowed, "I'm so scared. The nightmares won't stop no matter how I try. And I can see them,"
Legolas could her the fear and crying in his sister's voice. "See who, Elora?,"Legolas asked his sister slowly, not wanting to push her to tell him. Elora didn't answer him as she saw Aranel's spirit staring at her and she felt Hadrian's presence around her.
Elora broke out in tears again and Legolas sat down beside her and pulled his sister into his arms.
"Don't cry, lassie,"Gimli said gently, "We're going to help you," And Gandalf went over to Elora, "Elora Thranduilion, I'm Gandalf The White. Former Gandalf The Grey. The elves call me Mithrandir. I guess you've heard of me. I've come to help you," And Elora looked up at the wizard, "I know who you are. I was told about you a long time ago," And Gandalf sighed, "Tell me, penneth. What's wrong? You're having visions, are you not?," And Elora sighed, "Nightmares of him having me under his control," And Gandalf sighed, "That I can see. But that's not the visions I mean. You can see them, can you not?," And Elora swallowed, "Yes, sometimes they're talking to me through dreams. And sometimes they talk to me when I'm awake," And Gandalf nodded, "Are you afraid of your ancestors?," And Elora shook her head, "During the orc attack, one of them came to me as a spirit. His name was Pharom. He helped me to get up and fight,"
Gandalf nodded, "Take me somewhere you know a big event of the light elves has happened,"
Elora didn't understand what the wizard meant by that but she lead them to the meeting hall.
"What happened here?,"Gandalf asked gently. And Elora swallowed, "The second son of The Light elf Dior was murdered. Arnel, his oldest son escaped with only a small wound on the neck," And Gandalf nodded, "Are you scared when you're here?," And Elora shook her head, "No," And Elora glanced aside and saw Arnel and Pharom memories.
"You're so obsessed with making peace. You can't see your enemies preparing for war,"Pharom said, "You'll be careful," And Arnel smiled, "You be careful. Stay away from Tiro Western,"

And Elora smiled. Suddenly, there was a knock on the gates to the hall.
And North entered, "My Queen, there's someone here to see you. He says he's been waiting for you to take back your throne for a long time to offer his services to you," And everyone looked at each other confused. Even Gandalf was a little bit suspicious.

And they went out of the castle, down the Light stone stairs were a young man with black hair and brown eyes waited.
He smiled as he saw Elora and went over to the stairs and Gandalf stood in front of him,
"Hello, young sir. What's your business here?,"Gandalf asked.
The man immediately went over to Elora knelt before her,
"By being a loyal friend and artist to your ancestors Aranel The great and Pharom Eastern, I offer you my services, My Queen, Elora, The Last Light elf," And Elora smiled, "Arise, my friend," And the man stood up. "What's your name?," Elora asked gently with a kind smile on her lips.
The man swallowed nervously, "Callon, My Queen. I'm a Lamia if anyone wonder how I'm still alive," And Elora smiled, "You're very welcome here. I need all the help I can get," And Callon smiled, "Thank you, My Queen," And Gandalf stepped forward, "You must be hungry, my dear friend. I'm sure The Queen can offer you some food," And Elora smiled, "Of course," And they went into the castle.

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