Chapter 12:~The Light~

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"My Lady, it's an honour to meet you,"Callon greeted Galadriel when they entered Elrond's house. And Galadriel smiled, "You are the one who painted my grandson and Elora," And Callon nodded, "Yes, I worked for some of the first Light elves. Arnel and his family and brother Pharom," And Elladan smiled. "Come, the tea is ready," And Legolas smiled.

They sat in the garden and drank tea when North came riding.
"North?,"Elladan said confused and they hurried down to the messenger from The Light Kingdom. "North, what are you doing here?,"Elladan asked confused. And North sighed, "I'm here because of Elora," And Elladan looked at the human in worry, "Is my wife alright?," And North sighed, "No, she's not. The orcs got to her. I fear the worst," And Gandalf sighed, "This is not good. We have no idea of what these two evil wizards wants with her," And Elladan sighed, "What about Emersion?," And North sighed, "He sent me. I don't know if he knows any way to find her," And Elladan sighed, "North, look after The Kingdom. I need to save my wife," And North nodded, "I'll send Emersion to you," And Elladan nodded and North left.

"If Ithildin is captured, we're lost. We have no idea of tracking her,"Galadriel sighed. And Emersion sighed, "Well, my father wanted her for something. If we only could find out what!," And Thranduil sighed, "Emersion, you have to know something! My daughter may be suffering right now!," And Emersion sighed and stood up, "Well, Elora has light magic no other Light elf processed," "That we know,"Aragorn sighed, "The question is what she is to Saruman and your father," "Elora must have a stronger connection to the moon and sun and The Valar or she wouldn't have that kind of power,"Emersion continued,"And if you take the powers of a Light elf they... And my father would become... No!... No, no, no," And Elladan swallowed, "Emersion, what happens? What is he planning?," And Emersion sighed, "The Light Elves were created to keep The Light in Middle Earth. If my father wanted to take over Middle Earth, he needs to extinguish the Light in it," And Thranduil swallowed, "So you mean...," And Emersion sighed, "My father is going to take Elora's powers to take over Middle Earth. If he gets Elora's magic, he will be unstoppable," "And what happens with Elora,"Legolas asked worriedly. And Gandalf sighed, "Nothing good, Greenleaf," "My father will be invincible, really immortal and Elora will die,"Emersion sighed. And Legolas swallowed, "No! We can't let him do that!," And Emersion sighed, "I know. But we have time. The ritual must happen on the ones who holds the powers birthday," And Thranduil sighed, "But Elora's birthday is in a week! And we have no idea of where he has taken her!,"
And Emersion pulled out a silvery necklace with a sapphire, "We will. I may be able to track her with this. I gave her this on her 96 (15) birthday. It's connected with her," And he used his magic on it.
"Do you feel something?,"Callon asked. And Emersion sighed, "I can feel her. But the connection is weak. She must be unconscious. But I know where she is. My father's old castle. It's a few days journey from here," And Legolas nodded, "Let's go,"

Elora woke up on a cold floor in the top of a tower to a pain in her head and wrists and ankles. And she looked down at her hands and saw that she was shackled in iron chains against the wall behind her.
And she swallowed. She remembered what happened. The orcs had bound her hands and then knocked her out.
Suddenly, she heard evil voices and snarling. The orcs were coming for her.
Suddenly, the cell door opened and Saruman showed up with some orcs, "Grab her!," And Elora felt the orcs starting freeing her from the chains and bounding her hands together with a rope. "Get up, elf!,"The orc snarled. "Stop that! Remember, she's our prisoner and our guest,"Saruman exclaimed. And Elora drifted back into unconsciousness and the orcs dragged her away instead.

When Elora woke up again, she was in a new place. She was in another top of a tower. But this one had opens here and there. And she was chained against a stone wall.
And she tried to sit up, but she felt so weak.
"Here, let me help you,"A dark voice said gently. And Elora felt someone helping her sit up and she came face to face with a man with dark black hair and brown eyes just like Emersion. "No, leave me alone!," Elora protested in fear. "Shhhh, it's alright, Ithildin, I'm not going to hurt you,"The man said gently. And Saruman showed up behind them.
"Who are you?," Elora asked in fear as she faced the man in dark coat with a silvery light blue amulet around his neck.
The man smiled, "You don't remember me, do you? I'm Hadrian. The Wizard you freed from the mirror," And Elora quickly pressed herself against the wall despite her protesting injuries and she yelped in slight pain. "Shh, it's alright, my child, I'm going to help you," And Saruman smiled wickedly, "I'm getting our guest something to eat," And he left.

"Elora, your injuries is only getting worse if you press yourself against the wall like that. Your dress is torn and your wounds is getting inflected. Let me help you,"Hadrian explained gently. And Elora shook her head, "No, stay away from me! I know who you are! You're exactly like Cirdan but worse," And Hadrian smiled, "I'm not like my son. Here," And he gently pushed away a lock from her face and held his finger over the cut in her forehead and healed it with his magic, "See, I'm not going to hurt you. Let me see your arm," And Elora swallowed and held out her right arm.
She swallowed as he healed her. "Lean your head back so I can heal your body completely," And Elora swallowed but did as the wizard told her to.
Hadrian gently healed the injuries from the orcs on her body and Elora looked up at him weakly. "Thank you,"She whispered weakly.
Hadrian gave her a weak smile, "Let's get you into some new clothes when you've got something to eat. The orcs did quite a number on them,"
Soon Saruman came back with a plate with food and handed it to Hadrian.
"Here, my child," And he held out a fork with some food on. And Elora shook her head. And Hadrian smiled, "Elora, I healed you. Do you think I would poison you right away. If I had wanted you to die, I would have done it already," And Elora swallowed when she realised he was right and she accepted his offer of food. She let him feed her since her hands were chained together. It tasted good but she had had better food. But it wasn't poisoned. "Are you thirsty?,"Hadrian asked when she had finished the plate and she nodded slowly.
Hadrian conjured up a glass with wanter in his hand and brought the glass to her lips and let her drink it.
Elora than realised how cold she was and she started freezing. And Hadrian smiled, "Here, let us get you into some new clothes," And he unlocked the chains and Elora started getting up by herself, but she quickly realised she was too weak and she fell forwards.
Hadrian caught her in his arms, "Hey, you're still too weak to walk on your own. Let me carry you," And he lifted Elora into his arms and took her down into the castle into a great bedroom with light walls and a white wardrobe, white desk and dressing table and a white four poster bed.
He put her down in the bed and opened the wardrobe and pulled out a dark light blue long silk dress.

He put her down in the bed and opened the wardrobe and pulled out a dark light blue long silk dress

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"What do you think of this one? I think it will suit you quite well. Try it,"Hadrian said and handed Elora the dress. "It's lovely,"Elora said quietly. And Hadrian smiled, "Try it on. I want to see how it looks on you," And Elora went behind the white fitting walls and took off her torn riding suit and put on the dress and went out of the fitting walls.
Hadrian smiled, "You look beautiful," And he handed her a pair of silver slippers that Elora put on.
Elora brushed her hair with the golden brush and put it up in a braid and Hadrian smiled wickedly, "Now, come with me," And Elora swallowed as he lead her out of the room,
"Where are you taking me?," Elora asked in fear.

Hadrian lead her out into a great hall, "You know why you're here Elora. Because you're going to give me something powerful that burns inside of you," And Saruman smiled wickedly, "You have more of The Light Of The Moon and sun inside of you. You're special. And your powers is what's going to save us," And Elora swallowed and Hadrian grabbed her arm and cut in her skin with his nail and a bright light broke out, "Do you understand now what I want with you? With your powers I will be invisible and Middle Earth shall be mine to rule," And Elora swallowed, "No! NO!," And she backed, "You're no different from Cirdan! You're exactly like him!," And Hadrian smiled wickedly, "No, Elora. Darker, much darker!," And he grabbed her arms and Elora screamed, "No, let me go!," And Hadrian smiled wickedly and gave her a kiss on the forehead, "You and I shall change the world on your birthday, Elora," And Elora swallowed in fear.

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