Back to 2100s

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-1950, After their date-

"Well... We'll be going then!" Adrian, Chloe, and Jhoana went to Adrian's Tatra Time Train.

"We'll stay here a little longer..." Huey said to Adrian and the others.

"I'll stay here until you want to go home, I'll bring my G- Chloe and Jhoana home..." Adrian said, and Travelled back in time

"Well... A good time to kiss..." Valeria said, and Instantly kisses Huey in the lips.

Huey is shocked. "Is Valeria like this then?" He Mused.

Well right after Valeria kisses Huey, Adrian went back and Huey and Valeria were tossed to the grass by the shockwave...

And they touch each other's face.

"Ahh... The Valeria I know..."

"The same as you Huey..."

Adrian leaves the train, and was shocked. Valeria and Huey looks towards him

"What the-" Huey gasped

"No time for chit chatting, go to the train!" Adrian grabs Huey and Valeria

Adrian hovers the Train when Huey grabs Chloe's Mic

"Adrian what happened? Where's Jhoana?"

Before Adrian replied, Chloe told Huey that Jhoana is safe back in the Present day Society, their workspace and their home

"Wait, our phonebooth? We have the phonebooth back in 1950, if someone-" Adrian then Interupts Huey "-and why was it a phonebooth in the first place?"

-Flashback, 2019-
"In order to disguise my flux, A forgotten phonebooth may be used for that" Huey said to Jhoana


"Oh... right" Huey said to Adrian

"Alright, Chloe, is the time circuits set and ready?" Adrian asks Chloe

"July 4th, 2111! Set!"

"Huey, your clothes are at the back, you can use the back to change, Valeria, remember your personal blend? You'll need those" Adrian said to Huey and Valeria "Prepare for Temporal Displacement!"

The Tatra Time Train Disappears, and John look to the skies, and mused "Goodluck out there"

--July 4th, 2111--

The Train Zips past the highway they know since 2100

"July 4th, 2111, and Society's ruined again, It's not Freedom though, He's our ally now" Adrian told what happened "the communist party captures the Society, and they don't treat the Socitians well"

"Oh very neat, they're the one who shot- nevermind" Huey then remembers Feb 20, 2020, when One of them shot Adrian, and bled to death, according to then Chloe.

"So... where do we start? If someone just shot us-"
Huey said to Adrian before  the train sharply turned right, tossing Huey right to Valeria, which is sitting on the left.

"Heh" Valeria then helps Huey "There are handles on the top Huey, grab them to not fall again"

Adrian then speak again "Well, They're hitting us", let's land far away to the Society"
They landed near the train depot Adrian took the Train 91 years ago

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