Freedom and Resistance

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"Well..." Ramuel Freedom said "Newcomers eh?"

"Freedom? What are you doing in the Resistance?" Huey said, remembering 2035 and 2100

"Ehh, I'm done marking myself that I want to be the Head of the Society, I just knew it is too hard to be in that, so I just joined with Huey here as the Resistance Leader" Freedom said to Huey "After that maybe I'll just head back as a normal socitian"

"Resistance leader?" Chloe asked Freedom

"Well I'm commanding the other Socitians on how to overthrow the Communist Group." Freedom said

"Really suits your name up" Huey mused

"Anyways, with Adrian and Valeria here, let's plan this up!" Future Huey said

--Meanwhile on Adrian and Valeria--

"Valeria, start the train!" Adrian said to Valeria on radio

"I started the train" Valeria said on radio. On Adrian's side the Flux glows again, and it works properly, for now

"Yes!" Adrian reported back and muttered after "Wow... how does Valeria know my train so well"

"Check the Time Circuits! Are they functioning?" Adrian continued

"Time circuits is on, it said going to Dec 1 1941" Valeria said.

"1941? Why is Chloe going back to 1941 after?" Adrian Mused.

The train began to move slightly

"Valeria turn off the engines! The train's moving" Adrian then ran to the nearest door

Valeria then entered the driver's cabin, and turn off the engines

"Thank god..." Adrian then collapsed "The Train's working"

--Back to Huey and Valeria--

"...And there, all good?" Future Freedom said.

"All good sir!" The socitians said

"Huey and Chloe of the past, thanks again for your help, may we meet again in the reformed Society" Future Huey said to Huey and Chloe.

"Certainly my pleasure!" Huey and Chloe saluted "Goodluck and have a nice future!"

Huey and Chloe left the house and went to Adrian and Valeria

Some minutes later, they returned back to the Tatra Time Train... or are they?

"You're back Safe and Sound!" Adrian and Valeria said "How's future us?"

"Fine, and now they're liberating the Society" Chloe said "Also, I didn't seem to see my future self"

"Oh wait, where's Huey?"


Huey stayed near his future self at the front of the society

"I'm sure this will resolved" Future Huey said

"Oh wait, Where's Chloe, in the Future?" Huey said

Then Huey sweeps a tear "Remember your time in 2100, that's why Adrian is so happy to find her... she passed away... 169 years ago"

"Wait, Chloe... No! Why???" Huey then cried

"Well... to sum it up, Chloe went on my time Machine, and went to December 1, 1941... we never saw her again... alive... we just saw her grave, passed away on January 2rd, 1942"

"Ahh... Adrian's gonna hate that day..." Huey said

"One promise before you go, don't tell anybody" Future Huey said "Else timeline's broken"

"Okay... thanks for the reminder!" Huey then left the Society Gate, with a large cheer after... the Society is liberated from the communists.

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