Constructing the Cafe

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"I did said the Personal Blend was invented during the war, 1943 if I didn't said it earlier, but this cafe is converted in 1945" John said.

"So your house then is converted into a cafe in 1945, and opened to public in 1946, is that correct?" Adrian asked.

"Yep! I used that 1 year gap to perfect my Chocolate blend that I imitate the nation's most rarest chocolate, and perfecting the amount of that finest chocolate that added to the coffee itself." John replied.

"Also I did rememeber thay I live in Hermia's home  during the conversion. Well your room is dusty from the construction eh?" John Continued

--July 25th, 1945 --
"Well John, how's your contruction?" Hermia said

"It's just started, and I'm still perfecting my Personal Blend." John said to Hermia

"Oh, since the construction is quite messy, maybe you can live here for now" Hermia said to John

"Really? Thank you!" John gracefully said "And in return I'll teach you how I make the Lovely blend that you accidentally invented"

"That time I added strawberry juice to your coffee because I didn't know your mug is filled eith coffee" Hermia chuckled "Sure!"


"Ahh the nation is still recovering from the war that time, but I couldn't stop myself from doing that ambition" John said, then a knock from the front of the Cafe

"Sorry the Cafe is cl- Hermia? And David? Come in!" John then opened the door for David and Hermia "How's your day?"

"Oh, It's fine, and It seems you have visitors also at the back, haven't you?" Hermia said

"Ahh... I- well yeah, why?" John being shy a little

"Well could we join?" David said

"Sure! Come in!"

Hermia and David entered at the backroom and suprised again "I remember you, you're the time travellers, The Society in 2019, ahh How's it doing there?"

"Normal, oh, do you want to come by to 2019 after this?" Adrian said

"Why not, I'm just hoping the umm... people inside the Society would not collapsed when we come there" Hermia said

"Here's the Personal Blend for you two, and where do we stopped? Oh yeah the building of this cafe" John served the Personal Blends to Hermia and David

"Oh I remembered He stayed on my home for over a year" Hermia said "And I also served Chloe Santos, ahh the past..."

Chloe chuckled a little

"Anyways, since Hermia and David are here, let's continue the story, in 1946, after the construction of the Cafe" John said.

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