A Different Society

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Adrian went out of the train and look for damage from that missile that nearly shot the train. Turns out it damaged the back side of the train, and the Flux is now inactive for the moment, Adrian knew when the train is damaged, the Flux will not explode, destroying the train itself.

"Ahh, well turns out you'll have to leave me here" Adrian then points at the damage that exposed the wires

"I'll stay near Adrian, sorry Huey, you'll have to go with Chloe" Valeria then hops back to the train

Chloe then nod and pulled Huey. They headed to one of the Gates of the Society

"Ahh it's Denise and Fredrick, come in!" A guard said to them

Then they walked to the back and then Chloe tell Huey "We're undercover. For now, call me Denise and I'll call you Fredrick. One wrong move can cause a lot of trouble"

"Okay Denise, where do we go?" Huey then ask her

"Remember where you worked? Future Adrian and Valeria is captured there, and intel said that they're given death penalty!" Chloe then points at the fountain, which is now a pile of wood

"Oh no..." Huey gasped

"Well, Let's go! We have only about 2 hours to do that" Chloe then Walks out with Huey

--Back at Adrian and Valeria--

"Adrian, about how many hours you're fixing that?"

"About 2 hours as the worse case scenario" Adrian said

"Why so fast? If the train's badly damaged this will take about a day" Valeria asked Adrian

"Well, I knew that this train is fragile, well 2020 me prepared additional spare parts in my hidden chamber" He replied

"Ohh that's nice!" She said

"Majority of these trains suffered numerous problems by lack of maintenance... but I cared this train very delicately and conducting a test once every week, and checking all of these wires, ensuring no problems whatsoever" Adrian said while fixing the wiring system and the damage

"Oh, may I lend you a hand? I'll take the spare parts to you" Valeria asked

"It's alright, it's hidden at my testing grounds, go back soon else maybe the commies wanders here." Adrian then felt a little trouble

Valeria left Adrian there, and went to his testing grounds. She took the spare parts, and then ran back to Adrian.

"Heh, 1 minute precise" Adrian said to Valeria "You've gone so fast... did you get the spares?"

"Yes Adrian, an extra plate, bunch of wires, and this note..."

"A note? Let me see" Adrian then took the note

Well, We're on your side, the resistance HQ is at 62b Pampanga St.

Ramuel Freedom


"Oh, right, tell Huey and Chloe that take the Future me and You back to "Hermia" " Adrian said to Valeria

Valeria then ran to the Time circuits and linked up to Huey and Chloe's radio channel.

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