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A/N: Hi everyone! So I had started this on my old account - MegAnn627. However, I lost access to that account so I'm going to resume this story here. I hope you enjoy it! :)

I gasped as I sat up and looked around me wildly. I didn't recognize anything. I didn't remember where I was. I didn't remember how I got here. I didn't remember my family or anything that had lead up to this point.

I tried to take a deep breath and looked around my surroundings. I was in a forest. Trees were everywhere and there was nothing else in sight. I stood up quickly and winced at how dizzy I felt. I started walking even though I had no idea where I was going.

Suddenly, I heard a noise behind me. I turned around to see a giant wolf type thing. I yelped and started running, stumbling over roots and tree branches. The wolf was chasing me and right as I'm sure it was about to chomp down on me, there was a bright light and the wolf was blasted away by a good couple feet. I stopped and turned around. In front of me was a tall man dressed all in gray with a pointy hat and a wooden staff, standing next to a beautiful, white horse.

"Hello my dear, what is a young girl like you doing out here alone trying to fight off a warg?"

"Um...I wish I knew sir." I whispered uncertainly. The man gave me a strange look so I continued to explain myself. "I woke up on the ground and I don't know where I am and I don't remember anything that lead up to this moment."

The stranger looked at me with concern and said, "Well, my name is Gandalf the Gray. Would you allow me to help you?" I hesitated. The man, Gandalf, looked nice enough and he did just save me, so I nodded and he helped me onto his horse while he walked beside us.

We talked as we traveled and I told Gandalf that I remembered my name was Eliza. I learned I was in a place called Middle Earth-somewhere between Rohan and Rivendell. I also learned that Gandalf was a wizard and his intent was to bring me to the home of the Elves to hopefully learn what had happened to me.

The journey to Rivendell is a four day trip but Gandalf is easy to talk to and makes the time go by fast. He tells incredible stories of dragons and dwarves, of hobbits and elves, and I find myself gasping and laughing along to the tales. We bonded fast and soon we had made it to Rivendell.

Gandalf helped me off of his horse and we walked toward the beautiful kingdom. We were greeted by a tall elf with long brown hair and an air around him that demanded respect. I learned that this was Lord Elrond and he was going to try and help me remember what had happened to me.

Lord Elrond tried and tried. He asked me questions, he had me drink some things and smell others, he chanted and sang but nothing helped. My mind was as blank as it had been before. Finally, he allowed me some sleep. I was showed to a room, given new clothes and a bath, and soon I was asleep.

A couple hours later, I woke, and for some reason, felt restless. I figured food or water would help so I crawled out of bed and walked down the hall outside my room. As I was looking for a kitchen of some sort, I rounded a corner and was surprised to see Lord Elrond and Gandalf a good ways ahead of me, on a balcony overlooking some waterfalls. I didn't check the time but I knew it was very early in the morning and no one else seemed to be awake. I couldn't help it, I was too curious and wanted to know what they were discussing. I snuck over and crouched behind a statue.

"-not from this world!" I heard the end of Gandalf's sentence that he whispered loudly, seeming frustrated while Lord Elrond had his head down, looking stressed.

Lord Elrond responded in a tired voice. "Why would you think the girl is from somewhere other than Middle Earth?" I gasped. They were talking about me! I grimaced as the wizard turned slightly toward my hiding place with an eyebrow raised, but he turned back to the elf and I let out the breath I hadn't realized I had been holding.

"Haven't you noticed how she talks? What she was wearing? How nothing we have used has had an effect on her in the slightest?" Gandalf questioned. I pondered this as I thought about my dialogue and my loose shirt and jeans I had been wearing earlier.

I leaned in, waiting for Elrond's response. "I see where you could be coming from," he paused. "But if that is the case, how do we advance? We have no way of gaining more information about her past. She could be a danger to us." I immediately frowned.

Gandalf sighed softly. "I don't think there is anything we can do. I believe that in time she will remember. I think she was brought here for a reason, and not to pose a threat. I don't know why I feel this way, but I have grown very fond of her and I believe we will need her more than any of us realize."

As I realized their conversation was coming to a close, I carefully backed out of my hiding spot and scurried back to my room. I couldn't fall asleep for a while after that, constantly repeating what Gandalf had said in my mind. Could I really be here for a reason?

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