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We ran out of the room and back into the hall. We heard more orcs and goblins coming and we started sprinting full speed, but soon they had surrounded us. Then, we heard a roar coming from the end of the hall and saw light. The orcs got scared and ran back to where they had come from.

"Run!" yelled Gandalf and we started to sprint until we came to a rocky area with lava under us. There was a gap in the path and the company started to jump to the other side but right as Frodo, Aragorn, and I were going to jump, our side started to tip. I screamed as I lost my footing and almost fell, but luckily Aragorn grabbed me and pulled me into his side. He had an arm around both me and Frodo and we all leaned forward to try and meet the other half of the company. We collided and I was jolted forward into Legolas' arms.

The company ran ahead but I stopped short as I looked around me and finally comprehended where we were. We were running toward a bridge and unfortunately, I knew what was going to happen once we got there. Tears started pouring down my face before I could stop them and I was at a loss of what to do. I couldn't tell anyone and I couldn't save him. I would be forced to watch. 

My feet were cemented to the ground until Aragorn had noticed I wasn't with them. He ran back toward me with an alarmed look on his face when he saw the state I was in. He put an arm around me, basically dragging me with him. "Did you get hurt?" he asked, pulling me hurriedly along toward the group. I didn't say anything in response but finally ran alongside him.

We reached the bridge and crossed it as the fiery creature emerged. I stood back with the rest of the company, tears flooding my eyes as I watched Gandalf try and back the creature away. My heart surged with hope that maybe he would be okay as the creature fell, but the creature used it's whip and caught Gandalf by the ankle.

He struggled for a second then he looked at us. "Fly, you fools!" and let go. Frodo screamed and tried to fight his way toward where Gandalf had fallen but Boromir caught him and dragged him out. Everyone followed and sprinted out of the mine. I took a final look and ran out too.

Out in the sunlight, the company sat for a minute to mourn. The hobbits were sobbing and the rest of them were solemn. I stood a little removed and let silent tears run down my face. Then, I heard loud footsteps coming toward me. 

"You knew." I jumped at the venom in Aragorn's voice as he looked at me. "You knew this would happen. You saw this and you did nothing to stop it." 

The tears poured even more heavily as I whispered, "I couldn't."

"I can't believe we trusted you. I can't believe I  trusted you." With that final blow, he turned his back on me and went to round up the hobbits. 

I stared at his retreating figure, feeling absolutely heartbroken. If it had been anyone else, I would've snapped at them that Gandalf meant the world to me. That I would've taken his place in a heartbeat. That I wanted more than anything to save him. But it was Aragorn. The man who had quickly become so important to me. Whose protection and comfort and leadership I had relied on. Whose opinion and kindness mattered so much to me. 

I walked in the very back of the company as we continued the journey. My tears had ran out and I felt numb. A couple of the men had tried to comfort me but I didn't react and just walked with my head down. Aragorn was at the front, setting a fast pace and not turning around to check on anyone. We were all quiet, heavy with sadness.

Finally, we came across Lothlorien. When we arrived, we met Lady Galadriel who warmly welcomed us and then asked to meet with me.

"I'm sorry for what happened to Gandalf. I know you were close." She said softly.

I only nodded, at a loss of what to say. I was sad because of what had happened to Gandalf as well as what had happened with Aragorn and I realized I was mad that Lady Galadriel had been the one to tell me I couldn't save him.

She seemed to have read my thoughts because she said, "I know you are probably experiencing a lot of emotions right now. But know that you did the right thing and Aragorn will realize that. You are all grieving, and some people handle grief very differently than others, remember that. I also know that you are angry and rightly so. You didn't ask for this and I can't imagine how hard it was to be helpless with Gandalf and the balrog." I nodded again and another tear ran down my cheek. "But have hope that this is not the end of his story. I, like you, know more than I wish at times and I can't let it change what is meant to happen. Have hope, my child, this is how things will work out for the better."

I was very grateful for my time to talk with Lady Galadriel. I felt a lot better about what had happened as well as regaining hope for the future. Now, I just wanted to sleep and hopefully sort things out with Aragorn in the morning.

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