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A/N: Ok, I'm sorry but I've never liked Boromir! AT. ALL. He has just annoyed me from the beginning so that's going to be reflected, harshly, in this story lol. Sorry if you like him!

The next day I woke early and packed for the journey ahead. I made sure to grab all my weapons and any clothes I might need. Before we had to leave, I decided to take one more walk around Rivendell. Who knows the next time I would be back in this beautiful place?

I came across a dome-like room with the shards of Narsil on a pedestal in the middle. I would've been more interested in the broken blade if the annoying man, who I learned to be Boromir, wasn't standing there admiring it. I stood behind a pillar, hoping he'd leave soon and I wouldn't have to interact with him. Then, I noticed Aragorn sitting in a corner of the room with a book in his hand but his eyes glued to Boromir.

I watched as Boromir picked up the handle of the sword. "Still sharp..." he glanced at Aragorn, "it's nothing but a broken handle." As he finished, he dropped the handle back on the pedestal but it fell to the ground. Boromir walked away without another word.

Aragorn walked over and carefully picked it up, putting it reverently back on the pedestal. Finally, I stepped out from the shadows. "What a guy, am I right Aragorn?"

He turned to me with a small smile. "Boromir is a proud man of Gondor, but I believe he has a good heart."

"I don't doubt it!" I quickly said, but added, "just an irritating personality to go with it." I grinned as I had achieved my goal of making him laugh, but he turned back to staring at the broken blade. "Aragorn, why haven't you returned to Gondor?"

He sighed. "I fear the past. I fear the same weakness of Isildur runs in my veins."

I put a hand on his shoulder. "You are Isildur's heir, not Isildur himself."

He faced me silently. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you my true name. We have become friends and I feel guilty for it."

"Don't feel guilty anymore. I understand why and I haven't been fully honest with you about my past either."

Aragorn and I decided to walk around as I quietly told him of how I had arrived on Middle Earth, how I didn't remember anything until that day in the woods, how Gandalf and Lord Elrond deduced I wasn't from Middle Earth, and how Gandalf took me in.

He listened intently and when I finished I was surprised when he said, "I had a suspicious thought that you were from a far away land and I am glad I am not going crazy."

"So you believe me?"

He gave a small smile. "Eliza. You are unlike any woman I have ever met. You talk differently, you are outspoken, and you demand respect from those around you. You are most certainly not from here." I laughed as we continued to walk. Aragorn told me all about how he grew up in Rivendell then left to join the Rangers of the North to live in the wild.

We talked for several hours until an elf ran up to us. "My Lord and Lady, I have been sent to let you know that the Fellowship will be leaving soon."

I went to my room and grabbed the things I had previously packed.

Let the journey begin.

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