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I stomped toward my room to get ready for the council. I can't believe Legolas won. And I was doing so well at the beginning!

I dressed quickly and walked to where the council was being held. I found my spot next to Gandalf and Frodo and sat down, sticking my tongue out at Legolas when I caught his eye. I watched as some more elves, dwarves, and men walked in. The last person to enter was Strider and he shot me a small smile as he sat down.

The council started and Frodo put the ring on a stand in front of everyone. There was a hush and suddenly a man from Gondor stood up. "It is a gift! Why not use this ring? Long has my father, the Steward of Gondor, kept the forces of Mordor at bay, by the blood of our people are your lands kept safe!"

I rolled my eyes as my temper flared, but before I could say anything Strider spoke up. "You can't wield it. None of us can."

"What does a ranger know of this matter?" The man sneered.

Then, Legolas stood up. "This is no mere Ranger. This is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance."

My jaw dropped. I knew the story of Isildur and his heir, the heir to the throne of Gondor. And I had been traveling with him this whole time?!

Strider...or...Aragorn's eyes met mine and they showed his guilt, but I couldn't help feeling slightly hurt that he hadn't even told me his real name after all of our conversations.

I tuned out for a while but was snapped back to reality when a dwarf shattered his axe trying to destroy the ring. I couldn't help but laugh a little. He seemed like a funny guy to be friends with.

"The ring cannot be destroyed by anything we possess. It must be destroyed in the volcano it was made in, in Mordor. One of you must do this." Elrond looked around at everyone present.

I groaned quietly to myself as the same man from earlier started talking again. "One does not simply walk into Mordor."

"Well, obviously!" I snapped.

The man turned to me as everyone watched on. "A woman has no right to have a say in such a matter as this."

"Oh, that is the biggest piece of crap I've ever heard someone say!" I yelled, standing up. Gandalf tried to grab my elbow but I evaded him.

"Well, then how do you propose we destroy it, if you're all knowing?" the man jeered.

"I'm sure whatever plan I come up with would beat your plan of 'hey, let's just bring it to Gondor which is super close to Mordor and attempt to use the evil ring that answers only to the most evil guy on the planet and destroy him with his own weapon.' Yeah. Good one." I noticed some people snickering around me but Elrond had us both sit down before I could continue my rant.

Soon, a fight broke out about who was going to take the ring. Suddenly, Frodo stood up yelling over the din, "I will take it! I will take the ring to Mordor. But I don't know the way." The room quieted and Gandalf got up to stand next to him.

"I will help you bear this burden Frodo Baggins, as long as it is yours to bear."

Stri...Aragorn, stood up as well. "You have my sword."

They were joined by Legolas, the dwarf who broke his axe, and the annoying guy, when Sam, Merry, and Pippin popped out of the bushes, claiming they were coming as well. Finally, I stood up standing next to Gandalf and nodding at Frodo with a smile.

"10 companions. You will be called the Fellowship of the Ring."

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