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I opened my eyes but immediately closed them as the bright light made me wince.

"Eliza?" I heard a familiar voice say.

Finally opening my eyes fully I sat up enough to clearly see the man sitting next to the bed. "Gandalf!" I yelled and launched myself into his arms. "I was so worried! What happened? Why didn't you meet us? How long have I been asleep? Is Frodo here?"

Gandalf laughed and tried to calm me down. "Frodo is fine, he woke up yesterday. You have been asleep for two days but Lord Elrond has graciously healed your concussion. As for me, I went to talk to Saruman but...things didn't go as planned."

Gandalf and I talked for the next hour or so catching up. He fully informed me of the situation and told me that Saruman had decided to join the enemy. He also mentioned that there would be a council held to determine what should be done with the ring and that I was invited to sit in with him to hear the decision.

After that, he led me to Frodo's room where all the hobbits were. I embraced them all with a big smile on my face and then decided to walk around for a while. I eventually stumbled upon the same bridge that Gandalf had invited me to stay with him all those years ago, but as I neared it I heard voices. I didn't want to interrupt so I meant to turn around and find a new spot but both voices sounded very familiar. I debated on whether or not I should listen in but my curiosity won and I peaked around a bush to see Strider and Arwen standing close together.

"Estel. I bind myself to you. I desire to forsake my immortal life." My eyes widened and I purposefully ignored the pang of hurt in my heart as I watched Strider's face.

"Arwen, I will not let you do that for me. Too much is uncertain."

Arwen frowned. "Our love is certain. Is it not?"

Strider sighed and closed his eyes. "Forgive me, Arwen, but I don't believe our fates were meant to entwine. You belong with your people. I can not take you away from them, and I do not know what the future holds for me."

I left before I could hear Arwen's response. Arwen was my friend and I felt a little bit bad for listening in on something so personal, but I felt even worse because I liked the thought of Strider not being with Arwen. As I was walking deep in thought, I suddenly bumped into someone.

I looked up, screamed, and jumped on the elf before me. "LEGOLAS!"

He laughed and awkwardly hugged me back. Elves were not found of physical affection. "It's good to see you too, Ellie. What are you doing here?"

Legolas and I walked through the gardens of Rivendell while I told him about the hobbits and my journey of the past month. "Before the council starts are you up for a little archery competition?" I asked him, smirking.

"Oh, Ellie. You're having such a good day, I'd hate to ruin it by beating you terribly!" Legolas teased as we began chasing each other toward a clearing.

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