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I was quiet as we started journeying down the mountain once again. I was hoping for Lady Galadriel to appear and tell me there was some way for me to save the closest friend I have in Middle Earth, the man who basically taught me everything I know, considering I couldn't remember anything before him. But her whispers were the only thing that continued to haunt me, 'Don't reveal the course of time.'

I lost track of time but was shocked when I finally looked up from my feet and saw the great mine doors in front of me. The same doors that had flashed through my mind earlier. I unconsciously reeled backward and bumped into Legolas's chest.

He looked down at me, surprised. "What is with you? But then again, I'm a little nervous to be going into some DWARF kingdom myself!" Legolas said the last part really loudly so Gimli could hear him. I rolled my eyes as they started fighting, trying to determine whose race was better.

We all watched on as Gandalf tried to get the door open, but he wasn't getting any closer to figuring out how to get inside. The company sat down to take a break for awhile. I smiled as I watched Aragorn comfort Sam as they let the ponies free. It was very quiet down here as Legolas and Gimli finally stopped yelling. All that could be heard was Gandalf's gentle chanting.

Eventually, Aragorn sat down next to me. "You seem tense and on guard, mellon."

"We're on a quest to destroy the most evil thing on the planet, Strider, I would say it'd be strange to not be a little tense." I joked, but Aragorn didn't react. He observed me silently.

"No, you're worried about something else." I looked away. I couldn't let him know. "It's from your memory! Moria is in your memories?"

I opened my mouth to cut him off but jumped when I heard a huge PLONK. Merry and Pippin were throwing big rocks into the water. Aragorn jumped up and grabbed their arms, gently telling them not to disturb the water. He pulled them back toward where I was sitting and we all watched the water.

I heard Frodo mention something to Gandalf but my mind was preoccupied when I saw something ripple in the middle of the lake. I let out a small gasp and Aragorn's hand found my shoulder.

But finally we heard a satisfied "aha!" from Gandalf and the doors had opened. We all clambered into the mines and I was relatively grateful to be inside instead of outside with a giant lake monster, before...Gandalf lit up his staff.

I involuntarily screamed and jumped away from the skull I was stepping on. Someone yelled, "This is no mine, it's a tomb!" Gimli had started wailing.

"Out!" Gandalf yelled. "We never should've come here."

We all piled out of the bone-ridden mine but I barely took a breath before a tentacle was wrapped around my waist and I was pulled into the air. I could hear the company screaming below me and I saw the monster had grabbed Frodo and Pippin, as well. I tried to reach my sword but its grip on me was too tight.

Suddenly, the weight around my middle released and I was falling through thin air until I landed in familiar arms. Aragorn set me down, grabbed my arm and raced me into the mine. I sighed in relief as I saw Legolas and Boromir had done the same for Frodo and Pippin. Then, the rocks around the entrance caved in and we were stuck in the mines.

Our company started making our way forward, but I stuck toward the back of the group. The squid had squeezed me so tightly, I could already feel blisters forming across my entire stomach. I tried to busy myself with talking to the hobbits. I asked Frodo and Pippin how they were doing and they said fine, that they weren't struggling as much so the monster didn't squeeze them as hard. I gave a tight laugh, "That was probably very wise in the moment, boys."

We came across an open room with many exits and decided to take a break. Gandalf seemed to have lost his sense of direction. I slid onto the ground and tried to relax as much as possible. For now, I would have to forget about the blisters on my waist. There were far more pressing things to worry about. However, I could feel Aragorn's concerned gaze always boring into my back.

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