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The good mood we had all started the journey in had almost left us. We were trudging up the snow covered mountains, all of us freezing and soaked to the bone. I was walking in the back between Aragorn and Legolas, both of them were still confused and concerned from my previous episode.

"So you remembered something?" asked Legolas.

"Something like that," I muttered.

"What was it?" Aragorn chimed in.

I sighed. "I can't tell you. In the vision of Lady Galadriel she told me that I could affect the future by telling anyone what I saw and if I do that it could have a ripple effect and change everything. I'm sorry. I wish I could. It was not a fun memory." I shuddered as I remembered Gandalf's face as he fell down with the Balrog, praying that it would not come to pass.

Legolas and Aragorn nodded, although neither of them seemed very happy about being left in the dark. But finally the conversation turned to a lighter note as Legolas and I started bantering about the next time we could have an archery tournament.

Suddenly, Frodo tripped from a few feet ahead of us and started rolling down toward us. Aragorn caught him and picked him up. Frodo brushed himself off but started grabbing at his shirt as he realized that the ring was not around his neck. I looked around and noticed it in the snow a little ways away from us. I started making my way towards it but someone beat me to it. I glanced up as Boromir dangled the ring from his hand.

"Boromir. Give the ring back to Frodo." Aragorn warned him.

The man with the ring was muttering something to himself and I stepped closer to him and snapped my fingers in front of his face. "Hey! Boromir! Come on, we have to keep moving!"

I felt a hand close around my wrist as Aragorn tried to pull me back from Boromir and I noticed Aragorn's other hand was wrapped around the handle of his sword.

Finally, Boromir moved toward Frodo. "Fine, I care not." Frodo snatched the ring and Boromir gave a quick chuckle and ruffled the hobbit's hair before turning and making his way back up toward the rest of the group, who had all turned to watch the encounter.

Only when Boromir was several yards away did Aragorn let go of my wrist and relax his hand on his sword. We exchanged a look and I started to walk past him. As I passed Legolas I whispered just so he could hear, "Still don't like him," and motioned to Boromir. Legolas let out a small laugh and nodded in agreement.

Then we heard what sounded like chanting. "There's a voice on the air!" Legolas yelled to Gandalf.

Gandalf responded, "It's Saruman!" Rocks started to fall from above us, causing more snow to fall on us.

"Gandalf, we must turn back!" yelled Aragorn.

Boromir just had to add his wisdom to the conversation. "Make for the gap of Rohan!"

"No!" I yelled. "That takes us too close to Isengard! We have to keep going!"

Gimli then said, "The mountain will crush us. We must go through the mines of Moria. My cousin, Balin, will give us a grand welcome."

Gandalf told Frodo to decide and my heart sunk as the frozen hobbit said, "We will go through the mines."

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