Chapter Three Howling Wind

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Samurai 1: "Hurry up!"

Samurai 2: "If we don't get back soon Nobakatsu will really give it to us!" 

Aki: (Nobakatsu? Who is that?) 

As the Samurai move on Kotaro slowly takes his hand away from my mouth. Kotaro stood up and steps out of the bushes. He quickly looks around then hands out his hand for me. I grabbed it and pull myself out from the bushes. 

Aki: "Nobakatsu? Is that Nobunaga Oda's son?"

Kotaro: "Yes. Looks like Oda is faster than we thought."

Aki: (Nobakatsu is getting troops ready for war…)

Kotaro: "We should follow them and get information. Pretend to be a medicine seller in front of people from now on."

Aki: "Medicine seller?"

Kotaro: "I don't want to be rude, but also pretend to be my wife."

I looked at him with a shocked expression.

Aki: "Your wife?!"

Kotaro: "It's the best way to trick them. Call mw "Tojiro. Princess what shall I call you?"

Aki: " me…Shizuka!"

Kotaro: "Shizuka?!"

Kotaro stared at me with a shocked look on his face.

Aki: (Why is he freaking out?) Is that a bad name? I could pick a different one. Everyone always says it's a nice name for me…"

Kotaro quickly went back to his usually straight face and blank stare.

Kotaro: "Alright then…Shizuka…"

Kotaro and I followed the Samurai to a small village.

Villager 1: "So you've come to sell some medicine?"

Kotaro: "Yes. My name is Tojiro. This is Shizuka. By the way, what are all the samurai doing here?"

Villager 1: "Nobunaga is using this village to gather troops. He's going to attack Iga."

Villager 2: "Nobunaga isn't here yet, but I'm sure he'll be here soon enough."

Aki: (Nobunaga is going to use his son to attack the Ninjas?)

Villager 1: "But it's been awful for us! They steal all of our food. Everyone is afraid that we can't make it through the winter, and now they are saying they want our women!"

Aki: ( This is awful! Why would they do this to a village?) "…"

I looked to Kotaro and he was still so quite. I started to wonder what the hell he was thinking. Then the village chief came over.

Old Man: "Are you going to be staying here for a while?" 

Kotaro: Well we came here to get some more supplies for the medicine…"

Old Man: "Is that so? I have an empty house if you would like to stay."

Kotaro: "An empty house?"

Old Man: "My son and his family live there, but they left the village."

Aki: (He's so friendly, he looks like a nice guy.)

Kotaro: "Are you sure that is okay?"

Old Man: "No problem at all, Chiyo!"

A girl came running over to us. She looked like she was barley in her ten years.

Old Man: "She's my son's kid but she is staying with me now. Take them to the house."

Chiyo: "Okay!"

As soon as Chiyo took us to the house Kotaro walked around every inch of the rooms. 

Aki: "So how old are you Chiyo?" 

Chiyo: "Thirteen."

Aki: "Are you sad that your parents aren't around?"

Chiyo: "Yeah…but it's time for me to be an adult!"

Aki: "You sure are a mature thirteen year old!"

Chiyo: "Other girls my age are getting married!"

Aki: (Married? I've never even dated a guy!)

Chiyo grinned and leaned into me and whispered,

Chiyo: "Tojiro is so cool, but he sure is quite isn't he?"

Aki: "Yeah… sometimes I don't even know what he's thinking."

Chiyo: "Even though you're married?"

I giggled lightly trying to not get caught in a lie just then the old man opened the door.

Old Man: "Forgive me."

We could hear a commotion going on outside. Kotaro, Chiyo and I followed the old man. 

Samurai 1: "You must have more rice! Where are you hiding it?"

Samurai 2: "If you don't give it up I'll kill you!"

Old Man: "But if you take the rice we won't make it through the winter!"

The elders bow at the Samurai's feet. It was making me sick watching these Samurai treating the elder in a dishonoring way.

Samurai 1: "I know all that, but it's for Nobakatsu!"

Suddenly the Samurai kicked the Elder to the side.

Chiyo: "Grandpa!"

Chiyo ran by the elder's side and sat him up. She looked to the Samurai with tears in her eyes.

Chiyo: "Please! Please STOP!"

Samurai 2: " Ooh..Well she's young, but she's pretty sexy!?

The Samurai grabbed Chiyo by the arm and pulls her to her feet.

Chiyo: "Let me go!"

I got in between the Samurai and Chiyo and tried to push him away from her. 

Samurai 1: "Who the hell are you?"

Samurai 2: "Do you want some of us too?"

The Samurai was about to grab me when Kotaro was suddenly behind me. A great howling wind came whistling though the village.

Samurai 1: "What the? What's this?"

Samurai 2: "Ouch! There's sand in my eyes!"

The Samurai let go of Chiyo to rub his eyes.

Samurai 3: "Get over here! The weapons are ganna be blown away!"

Kotaro: "Aki, run!"

I grabbed Kotaro by the arm and ran back to the house.

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