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Whenever Nathan goes away somewhere, we never really text each other. He'll always text to say he's landed and when he's heading back home, but other than that, we don't really text - only if it's an emergency. There has been times in the past where I've travelled with him, but now with my business going well, it's best if I get on with that. Plus it's nice to have a little break from each other now and then.

I headed back inside and shut the door behind me, I debated whether to go back to bed or not. However, after a few seconds I decided to just go back to bed. It was nearly 7am, and Nathan's flight was at 8ish which meant he'd be landing at about 1:30pm.

I made my way upstairs, took off my dressing gown and collapsed on the bed. I pretty much passed out straight away.

Monday 9.30am

Slowly waking up after a couple of hours of sleep felt good. The sun was shining through the curtains and I knew today would be a good day, even though Nathan wasn't here.  I didn't have work today either because I don't open my salon on Sundays and Mondays, therefore I had the whole day to myself.

I checked my phone to see if I'd missed any messages. Nope, nothing. That was a good thing because I hated waking up to missed messages. I then started thinking about what I could do today. Shopping? Relax by our pool? Workout? Or even catch up on some work? I have an online site for my salon that I like to keep up-to-date.

While I was thinking, I looked down at my nails, yep they could do with a bit of love. That would be my day today, to treat myself. I'll go into town, get my nails done, then my hair, have lunch, then do a bit of shopping. Simple.

After having breakfast and a cup of coffee, I freshened up and got ready to go out. I just shoved my hair up in a loose bun for now, put a little bit of make up on and threw on some skinny jeans along with my white Converse. I put on one of Nathan's checkered button up shirts and rolled up the sleeves slightly, I just loved wearing his clothes sometimes and I knew he wouldn't mind. Finally, I was ready to go.

Monday 1:30pm

I got back home just after 1:30. I got my long nails painted red, hair washed and blow dried curly at a salon that's open everyday at the mall, met up with a friend and had some lunch, then did a bit of shopping and got some new clothes. Yes, I paid for it all, because I don't like spending any of Nathan's money.

As soon as I walked through the door and took my shoes off, my phone bleeped and a text came through, it was Nathan.

"I've just landed, c u Wednesday x x" was what he sent.

"Okay baby, take care and I'll see you soon xx" I replied. Well at least I knew he was safe.

I got my laptop out and went into the lounge so I could edit my salon's website and social media. I loved editing it because it was my own thing, my business was like my baby. I've always wanted to be a hairdresser ever since I was a little girl, and now that I had my own successful business, I was loving it even more.

After about an hour and a half, I heard a knock on the door. I looked up from what I was doing and thought to myself "who could that be?" We've never really had any random visitors before that just turn up uninvited, but maybe it was a friend or something? I was tempted to leave it, that was until I heard them knock again - it must be important.

I saved my work and got up to answer it. As I was walking to the door I heard them knock AGAIN.

"Okay, I'm coming!" I shouted as I approached the door.

I opened the door but before I could even say anything, the door swung open and a man burst into the house. Before even registering what had just happened, in a matter of seconds, he'd already made his way inside and shut the door behind him. He then grabbed me and spun me around, holding my elbows behind my back and pushing me against the wall. I then felt something sharp rest up against my neck, I guessed was a knife.

Lovers in California: Held For RansomWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt