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Thursday 9am

"Wakey wakey!" Martin called as he came down the stairs.

"Arrrrgh" was basically mine and Isabelle's reply as we slowly woke up.

My body was starting to ache slightly from being tied up in one position for a couple of hours and I seriously needed to stretch my legs. I'm quite a tall guy and I cramp easily. Plus, Isabelle was still sat on me and it really wasn't helping.

He walked past us and placed a tray down on the table that had two bowls on it. "Did you two have some nice quality time together?" He asked as he made his way back over to us. He then unbuckled my gag and took it out.

"Fuck you, pal" I spat as soon as the gag was out.

"Well well, sounds like lover boy still has a lot of fire inside of him" Martin said to Isabelle to which she just looked down to. He suddenly grabbed my hair and forced my head back, causing me to grunt out in pain. Ow, that kind of hurt. "Don't worry, I'll soon break you" he snarled in my ear.

"Mmmph!" Isabelle grunted and started struggling.

"Oh you don't like seeing him being pulled about?" He then said, turning his attention to Isabelle but still yanking my head back. I remained quiet and gritted my teeth, trying to ignore the pain.

After a few seconds, Martin finally released his grip and pushed my head back down. He leant over and unbuckled Isabelle's gag. "Alright, well I've got you two some breakfast," he said and went over to the table, "again, ladies first."

He picked up one bowl and came back over. He crouched down and scooped a spoonful of whatever was in the bowl. This was when I saw what it was. Porridge.

I hate porridge and Isabelle knows I hate it as well. I'm really not fussy when it comes down to food but porridge just makes me sick, the texture and everything. Yuck.

I noticed Isabelle gave me a little look as if to say 'what are you gonna do?' I just shut my eyes and shook my head slightly without Martin seeing.

"Here comes the train" Martin said sarcastically as he held a spoonful in front of Isabelle's mouth. She obviously ate it because porridge doesn't bother her, so in a matter of minutes she had gobbled up all of it. Now it was my turn.

Martin stood back up and fetched the other bowl then came back over and crouched down again, this time facing me. He scooped another spoonful and held it up for me.

I looked at the spoonful in front of me and paused. Isabelle and Martin were now both watching me. I genuinely couldn't eat it and the smell wasn't helping in the slightest, so I just turned my head away like a baby not wanting to eat their food.

"Problem?" Martin asked.

"I really don't like porridge" I replied.

"Well this isn't a cafe and there isn't a menu, so it's either you eat this or you go hungry, your choice."

"Nathan you have to eat something," Isabelle then said in a soothing voice after a few seconds. I looked over at her, "you'll need the energy" she then added. The look she gave me with that though was a look of determination. Like she knew we could escape soon and I would indeed need the energy.

"Listen to your girlfriend" Martin said.

I sighed and then opened my mouth to reluctantly accept the food. Isabelle was right - if we wanted to escape, we needed all the energy we could get.

The porridge went in and I began to eat it. This tasted absolutely revolting. Baring in mind that it was a bit cold as well from being left on the side while Isabelle ate her one. Ah well, I slowly ate it and after what felt like forever, the bowl was finally empty.

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