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Sienna POV

The next day of work was brutal because my sleep schedule has been off. 

Showing up to work at seven in the morning when going to bed at two a.m, to me is an Olympic sport.

Last night was the drive in movie with Harry and Ezra. After the movie we dropped off my brother because he was getting tired, and then went out for some dessert at a local diner. We ended up sitting in his car for around three more hours just talking about life.

"So," I hear Ellie chime beside me. "How are you?" She asks.

"I'm good," I answer with a polite smile. "You?"

"I am good. So what happened that night at the party? You never spilled." She questions while leaning against the counter near us.

"Basically," I start out with. "The day it was raining really bad, was the day Harry offered to drive me home so I didn't have to walk, after work. It wasn't raining at the time, but he didn't want me to get caught in that. We stopped at a party supply place so I could grab some stuff, and by the time we were done in there, it was raining pretty bad. We decide to sit in the car and wait it out. Came that was a conversation neither of us had the balls to talk about, and that was why we broke up two summers ago." I pause so I can hear her input.

"Oh my god," She says while grabbing my arm. "So who was the skank at his house?"

I don't answer right away, because I remember Harry told me Gemma's sexuality isn't so public right now. "His sister was having sleep overs, and one of the girls, specially if the girl I saw him hug, got told some sad family news. So he was consoling her." I bullshit.

"Oh," Ellie says. "Well, that is not so bad, right?" 

"Yeah," I agree.

"So how did the conversation end?" My friend asks while tilting her head.

"I explained my side, and how kissing Isaac was a way to get back. He thought I was with him the whole summer which wasn't true. So in theory, yes we both assumed things." 

"Where do you guys leave off now? I for sure thought you guys were meant to be. Besides how your guy's Moms are best friends, and the back story is already romantic, your guys's chemistry was so unique." I feel my cheeks heat by my friends wording.

"Well," I say while laughing. Ellie cracks a grin. "We ended up fucking in his back seat, then I got sad because I am not the one to do that. The party happened hours later and I was still upset about how I felt not used, but used. Then three days later we are figuring it out day by day." I end up summarizing.

"This is so juicy Anna!" She says, getting all giddy. "First of all, hot make up sex, sounds lovely too. Where are the details?" 

Our conversation falls silent when we hear the chimes go off to the front door, and a familiar body walk through. 


"Oh look who showed up to work," Michelle mocks. I look at the time and see it is five minute till three. Who knew my shift went by so quick.

"When you have a life, sometimes going to work is hard," I retort to the girl standing behind the counter now. 

"Some of us don't have Daddy's money, sweetheart." Michelle hums while setting her belongings to the side. 

"Some have rich Dads. Some fuck rich Dads. I just so happen to not fuck them. What about you?" I ask harshly. There was a rumor going around that she has had sugar daddies so might as well use it to fuck with her. Do I believe it? No, she never seemed like the type to do that. But once again, I never did know her. Michelle doesn't say anything back to me and Ellie has wide eyes in the corner. 

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