Memory Experiment

461 7 0

Operation M.E.M.O.R.Y







My Pov

"Wake up Numbuh 7! Wake up!" Numbuh 3 yelled, jumping up and down on my bed. I opened one eye to the sight of her, still in her purple nightshirt and yellow smiley slippers.

"Numbuh 3, it's Saturday. Please let me sleep in." I said, pulling the covers over me. She yanked them off of me.

"No no!" she objected. "Numbuh 2 said he needs to show you something right now!" I internally groaned and sat up. Don't misunderstand me as always being grouchy. I'm just like that when someone wakes me up on a morning where I didn't need to go to school. I pushed the covers as Numbuh 3 grabbed my arm and pulled me toward Numbuh 2's room. I was wearing a turquoise tank top and navy shorts. We came to Numbuh 2's room and went in. I saw him tinkering with something.

"Numbuh 2? Numbuh 3 said you had something to show me?" I asked. He looked up from what he was tinkering with.

"Oh yeah! I think I might have invented something that can help with your memory loss." Numbuh 2 said. I slightly perked up at this. A few months ago I had been found frozen and with amnesia. The Supreme Leader, Numbuh 274, had only told me that my DNA matched with an operative that had disappeared eight years ago, but he wouldn't say who. Meaning, instead of being eight, I was technically sixteen. Of course the decommissioning officer, Numbuh 86, wanted to decommission me, but Numbuh 274 forbade her from put me anywhere near the decommissioning chamber.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's a helmet that I design to will search the deep parts of your brain and it will help you recover the lost memories." He explained. I looked at it and thought real hard about it. Yeah. I wanted to try this out.

"Ok." I said. Numbuh 2 put the helmet on me and turned it on. I heard humming and then I started to feel a tingling sensation. For a while, that's all that was happening and I still didn't remember anything. That's when the humming started getting louder and the tingling started to feel more like a burning sensation. "I-Is it suppose to be doing that?"

"Not really?" Numbuh 2 said, getting nervous. That's when sparks started flying from the helmet and I felt my brain being zapped.

"HHHHEEEELLLLPPPP!" I screamed before blacking out.

I woke up to find myself surround by absolute black and quiet.

"Where am I? Did I die? I swear if Numbuh 2 killed me..."

"You're not dead." I looked around. At first I just saw black, but then a white silhouette grew closer to me. The white light faded and I saw it was a girl. Not just a girl. It was me. The other me was wearing a dark gray, long sleeved shirt, black pants and brown boots. The most outstanding feature was the helmet she had on her head. It was a samurai-base helmet with a capital 'Z' etched in a piece of metal right in the middle.

"Who... Who are you?"

"I'm you. Or at least, who you use to be."

"W-W-What do you mean?"

"You really don't remember? Not your family? Not him?" My family? And whose the 'him' she's referring to? She snapped her fingers and several faded silhouettes appeared behind her. Their backs were to me and I couldn't see their faces. "You need to remember." That's when the silhouettes started swirling around me.

"You need to remember!"

"You need to remember!"

"You need to remember!"

"You need to remember!"


I snapped awake and shot up, panting and sweating. I gripped my throbbing head and felt bandages. I heard footsteps and saw Numbuh 1.

"Numbuh 7! You're awake finally." he said.

"How long have I been out?" I asked.

"Almost a week. We were actually almost considering sending to the Kids Next Door Hospital if you didn't come to soon." Numbuh 1 said. A whole week?!

"Did... did I miss anything important?" I asked. He sighed.

"Not really. Just another mission to steal the Delightful Children From Down The Lane's birthday cake that went wrong thanks to The Big Badolescent." Numbuh 1 said. The Delightful Children. I may have been unfrozen for a few months, but I haven't actually seen them yet.

"What are they like?" I asked.

"Pardon?" Numbuh 1 asked.

"The Delightful Children. You've told me about them, but I don't even know what they look like." I said.

"Well... they're creepy. They always speaking in unison, always standing close to each other and they're always dressed in these prissy little school uniforms." Numbuh 1 said.

"Okay, but... how many of them are there? Are they all boys? All girls? Split down the middle?" I asked.

"There are five of them; three boys and two girls." Numbuh answered.

"What are their names?" I asked.

"How am I suppose to know that? And anyway, why are you so curious about them all of a sudden?" Numbuh 1 asked.

"No reason. It's just you've talked about them all the time, but I've yet to see them. So, I just want to know what they look like so I can be on the lookout." I said.

"Well, in the mean time, you continue to rest Numbuh 7. I'll inform the team you're awake." Numbuh 1 said.

"Also, tell Numbuh 2 I'm not mad or anything." I said.

"I'll pass it along. He's been beating himself up about the helmet malfunctioning and not helping you with your memories." Numbuh 1 said as he left my room.

"I'm not so sure on the memories part." I said. I looked out my window and thought hard. Those silhouettes, no... those people. While I couldn't see their faces, I could hear their voices. I knew those voices, but from where? And that silhouette of me... why did the outfit look so familiar and make me feel all warm in my chest? I'll find out. I'll remember who I really am and who those people are. And I will do it before my next birthday. That was a promise I was making to myself.

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