A Not-So-Delightful Party

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Operation D.A.T.E:





Back to going by episodes! Might have one more chapter after this and then I'll do Operation UNDERCOVER.

My Pov

It had been a few weeks since both David and I had returned home and it was almost like we hadn't been gone even a day. Almost, but we didn't let the obvious things bothers us. Dad was going to AA meetings and staying sober, Mom had become as social as she had before and Marty seemed to be his old self according to Mom. We had to do a lot of things to rearrange our rooms and need new clothes. I actually decided to keep the jumper I took from Father's mansion and altered it a bit by painting KND in black fabric paint on the bottom left. David wore a dark red T-shirt with a long-sleeved white undershirt, blue jeans and sneakers. Sector V had agreed not only to allow David to take up a spot in their treehouse, but also agreed to keep his recommission a secret for a while. One day, Numbuh 1 called all of us to important meeting.

"Kids Next Door, reporting for duty!" Numbuh 3 announced.

"Bad news, team." Numbuh 1 said, opening the ice chest and pulling out a piece of paper with salad tongs. "When I opened the Kids Next Door super-secret mail drop this morning, I discovered this. Numbuh 5 walked up and started to read.

"You are cordially invited to-" she started but Numbuh 1 yanked the paper away.

"Don't touch it!" he exclaimed.

"What?! It's just an invitation!" Numbuh 5 said. Numbuh 3 looked at it and got excited.

"An invitation to the Kids All-Town Cotillion!" Numbuh 3 exclaimed.

"We got invited?" Numbuh 2 asked.

"That's the biggest shindig in town." Numbuh 4 added.

"It's only kids?" David asked.

"Yep. Last year's was amazing from what I was told." Numbuh 2 said. That's when Numbuh 1 interrupted and pointed to the bottom corner of the invitation.

"Read the fine print-- With your hosts the Delightful Children From Down The Lane." Numbuh 1 pointed out. There was the catch.

"Does that mean we can't go?" Numbuh 3 asked sadly. She was worried about not going more than who was hosting it?

"Of course we're going!" Numbuh 1 said. While Sector V was happy about, me and David weren't. Neither of us wanted to go back to that house if we could avoid it. However, more than likely an invitation was mailed to our house and Mom, not knowing the situation as we didn't want her to worry every time we left the house, didn't know that the owner of the house was the one who kidnapped David and the others.

"Numbuh 0.2? Numbuh 0.6?" We snapped our attention at Numbuh 5's voice. "You two okay?" David shook his head.

"No. I just don't know if I can muster up the courage to go back in the house. It's too soon." he said.

"You'll both be okay. You're Sector Z! The best sector of the Kids Next Door." Numbuh 4 said. While everyone was busy chatting about, I heard David quietly mumble; 'We use to be'. I felt a tug in my chest. While it was sad to admit, he was right. We were no longer Sector Z. We were two lost and broken operatives who had been trapped within ourselves for a long time and now were out of place. We would never be Sector Z again until everyone was back and justice was served to Father. Numbuh 1 asked for us to be part of the mission and we reluctantly agreed. We went home and, like I thought, an invitation had been sent to our house with an added "Please attend".

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