Meeting the Delightful Children

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My Pov

I know what you're thinking. I'm nuts going to the Delightful Mansion, alone and without backup. But, I need to know what they were like. I dressed myself in a simple navy dress, light blue cardigan and black slip-ons. I glupped and rang the doorbell. I waited for a few minutes before a old man in a suit answered the door.

"May I help you, young lady?" he asked.

"Um... I recently move here and my parents wanted me to go around the neighborhood and introduce myself. I'm Melody Aurora." I said, lying through my teeth. Aurora was the surname that I had been assigned, seeing as the Supreme Leader wouldn't tell me anything about what he found on me. Thankfully, the man seemed to believe it.

"Right this way miss." he said. I followed him inside and immediately felt a cold feeling in this house. Almost like, I shouldn't be there. It was almost like something was screaming at me to run away. "Sit right here miss and I shall go fetch the young sirs and madams." Young sirs and madams? Must mean the Delightful Children. I shrugged it off and sat on the small sofa. I waited for about five minutes before hearing collective footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Well, here they come." I whispered to myself. The footsteps grew louder and closer. Soon, they were standing in front of me. The Delightful Children From Down The Lane. Numbuh 1 hadn't been kidding about their appearance. They were each dressed in school uniforms and stood so close to each other. But what really put me off were their eyes. Each of them had these ice blue eyes that felt like they were boring into your soul when they looked at you.

"Jenkins said that you had recently moved here and were instructed to introduce yourself?" They even spoke in unison just like Numbuh 1 said.

"Yes. I'm Melody Aurora." I said.

"I see. Tell us then, Miss Aurora, are you at all affiliated with those rotten brats of the Kids Next Door?" they asked. I inwardly glupped.

"The what?" I asked, playing dumb.

"You mean to say you are not part of that ragtag group of brats nor have you heard of them?" they asked again, not seeming convinced. I felt myself starting to sweat.

"As I said, I've recently just moved here. Also, as far as this 'Kids Next Door', I don't think I've ever heard of them." I said.

"Interesting. Well then, it's a pleasure to make your acquittance Melody." they said. I inwardly sighed in relief. That's when I started hearing it. The voices. The same voices I had heard when I was unconscious.


"It is her!"

"What are you doing here?"

"You need to run away!"

"Hurry! Before he sees you! Run away Mellie!"

I gripped my head in pain.

"Is something wrong?" I looked at the Delightful Children who, before were emotionless, now seemed a little irritated by something.

"Oh no. Just a small injury I got when we were moving. We had a small accident and I hit my head a little bit too hard. I get an occasional migraine." I said.

"Oh. Well, if you don't mind, we need to attend to our chores. You should head home and do the same." they said. They got up and walked out of the den. I got up and left the mansion. I walked all the way back to Numbuh 1's house and went in through a secret entrance. I went into the meeting area where I was met with Sector V.

"Where have you been Numbuh 7?" Numbuh 1 asked.

"I went to see the Delightful Children myself." I said bluntly. I knew there was no point in lying.

"Aww! That's nice of you to go say hello." Numbuh 3 said in her usual cheery and oblivious tone.

"Are you crazy?!" Numbuh 4 exclaimed, looking from Numbuh 3 and me.

"They could have captured you or worse... Delightfulized you!" Numbuh 2 exclaimed.

"You should have told us so we could've provided backup." Numbuh 5 said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I know, but you guys would've stopped me." I said. Everyone sat silent for a minute before Numbuh 1 spoke again.

"So... what did you think of them?" he asked.

"Well, they were as you described." I said.

"I told you." Numbuh 1 said.

"But... something happened while I was in their house. I started hearing voices." I said.

"Voices?" Sector V asked. I nodded.

"It was almost like... disembodied voices. Voices coming from seemingly nowhere. Except, I think they were coming from the Delightful Children." I said.

"From them? What do you mean?" Numbuh 5 asked. I shook my head.

"I'm not sure, but there were five voices telling me to run away." I said.

"It could be that when the helmet malfunctioned and zapped you, it may have increased your brain activity." Numbuh 2 explained.

"So... I can read minds?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. You don't hear anything now do you?" Numbuh 2 asked. I sat still for a minute before shaking my head.

"It could be some kind of mind trick that those delightful creeps are using to trick you!" Numbuh 1 exclaimed. I thought for a minute, but it didn't make sense. "Well, from now on you don't go near the Delightful Mansion solo. Understand?" I nodded. After discussing a future mission involving the teenagers, everyone went back to their rooms. I changed into my PJs and laid on my bed. I slowly closed my eyes and just as I drifted off, a dream started to play almost like a movie.

I was running around a backyard, being chased by a boy my age. He had brown hair and brown eyes. Right as he was about to grab me, another boy popped out of the bushes and grabbed us both. He lifted us up into his arms and the three of us just laughed. The younger boy's face I could see almost perfectly, but the older boy's face was blocked by the sunlight. That's when large cracks began to form on the ground and on the sky. Almost like a mirror slowly being shattered. The younger boy suddenly flew one direction while the older boy went another. That's when the ground cracked and gave way. I fell down into the pitch black as the ground closed above me.

I shot up, sweating and screaming. That's when Sector V burst into my room, weapons drawn and ready to fire.

"Numbuh 7, are you okay?!" Numbuh asked, scanning my room for intruders.

"Yeah. I'm sorry guys. I just had a really vivid and terrible nightmare." I said. They lowered their weapons. Once they searched my room just to be on the safe side, they bid me good night and left my room. I laid back down and did my best to fall asleep.

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