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Where the reader has to take her medication but everyone has to literally force her to take them.

"Alright (y/n) time to take your medication" sighs sweet pea and he and fangs walk into yours and Toni's trailer knowing you wouldnt be easy.

You frowned from your spot on the couch. you knew you had to take them, doctors orders, but you didnt like the tablets, they dissolved in your mouth before you could even swallow and left an awful aftertaste

Usually it would be toni forcing you to take them but tonight she was helping jughead and Betty solve some mystery. You guessed she put fangs and sweetpea up to the task of trying to get you to take your medication

" no" you said simply, glaring at the boys daring them to say otherwise

The boys groaned "(y/l/n) you know topaz would kill us if you dont, besides it's important, you dont want to end up at hospital" fangs spoke this time stepping closer to you while sweet pea moved towards the kitchen to retrieve the box of tablets from the cupboard.

"Not my problem, I'm not taking those tablets fangs, I dont care what you say" you say, a dangerous undertone to your voice making the boys gulp.

By now you had stood up, you and fangs were stood on opposite ends of the room glaring at eachother, both of you looking ready to run if needed.

Fangs slowly made his way towards you, hands out as if he were approaching a wild animal.

With each step forward fangs took, you took a step back until you couldn't anymore and a pair of arms had wrapped around you, restricting your movement.

You thrashed around as fangs made his way towards you, quicker this time.

"Fangs take the pill out of my hand and shove it in her mouth before she- fuck!" Sweet pea didn't get to finish his sentence as he was now crouched down covering his nose. You had swung your head back hitting him in the face.

With your newfound freedom you shot at fangs kicking him in the crotch before running away to hide.

It weren't a full proof plan, you knew that, but it was temporary until you could come up with a better one. You really didn't want to take those tablets.

Around 5 minutes later  you were still hiding and sweet pea had recovered from the hit, and now had a bandage covering his nose.

Sweet pea opened the door to yours and Toni's room looking around hoping to catch site of your (y/h/c) hair.

"Topaz totally owes me for this" sweet pea groans under his breath as he continued to look for you.

Sweet pea looked for you but after a while he still couldnt find you and he was getting frustrated.

"Come on (y/l/n)! Its just a stupid pill it wont be that bad" he slightly raised his voice a bit out of frustration.

He was about to give up when he saw your hand peeking out from under the pile of clothes sat on the floor.

Sweet pea grinned evilly and quietly made his way towards the pile of clothes. However, luck was not on his side because before he could grab you, you shot out past him heading straight for the bedroom door.

Suddenly the bedroom door opened and you crashed straight into your girlfriend, toni topaz.

Her arms immediately wrapped around you, keeping you from falling backwards.

" what the- what's happening and why is fangs on my couch with ice on his...area?" Toni asked sweet pea confusedly

"Topaz! Thank God! Your girlfriend refuses to take her medication and keeps attacking us and running away, she also head butted me in the face and kneed fangs in the crotch" explained sweet pea relief washing over his face.

Toni shook her head ammusedly knowing this game you played all to well...lets just say she got used to having to either wrestle you down to take the medicine or she sometimes used more...seductive methods to get you to take them.

"Its alright pea, you and fangs can go, I got this" she smiled

The boy handed her the medication and ran out the bedroom door without a second thought making toni chuckle a bit.

She sighed looking down at you.

" my sweet girl, do we really have to play this game every time? After all, I always win, and you injured poor fangs and Sweet Pea" said toni in a tone of voice that said you were in for it.

You chewed on your lip anxiously not saying anything.

Toni took you by your hand, leading you over to the queen sized bed in the middle of the room.

"So, are you going to do this the easy way, or the hard way?" She asked, offering you the pill

Unfortunately, the memory of the aftertaste was too much, you went to bolt out of the room again, however, toni predicted this and immediately pushed you down onto the bed, straddling you before you could make another step.

You struggled against her hold, you didn't remember your girlfriend being this strong.

'Cmon my love, just open up and it will all be over, then we can have" said toni trying to pry your mouth open so she could force feed you the pill

You just glared at your girlfriend, trying to bite her fingers

"Fine, you wanna play that way" toni started sucking your neck making you moan out. This continued until there was a sharp pain on your neck. You let out a Yelp

Toni's eyebrows rose and she gave you devilish smile "yeah not nice is it" she spoke referring to when you tried to bite her.

However she soon went back to linking and sucking on your neck, and whilst your mouth was opened slightly toni took it to her full advantage by taking the pill and shoving it into your mouth.

You made a disapproving noise and a disgusted face before you eventually swallowed the tablet.

Toni smiled and got off you, pulling you up with her.

"See that werent so bad now was it?" She grinned

"I hate that I love you topaz" you glared half heartedly

Toni smiled softly, "it's for your own health now stop complaining" she gave you a quick smack on the thigh making you Yelp once again and pout as she got off you and walked away into kitchen

You followed her but instead went into the livingroom and sat down on the couch as she got some popcorn and walked back into the livingroom.

"You wanna watch a movie?" She asked sitting next to you.

You nodded cuddling into her.

Toni put on stranger things and kissed your forehead before paying attention to the show.

You smiled to yourself, you loved this woman you called your girlfriend, and you had a feeling you always would.

I wrote this in the middle of the night, I am sleep deprived, I don't know if any of this makes sense. I tried not to make it cringy.

toni topaz x reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now