Sexual Tension- Part 1??

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Where you pick a fight with Toni and the amount of sexual tension is suffocating.

You had found out from Cheryl that southside high had been shut down meaning the serpents had joined Riverdale high and to say you were upset about it, would be an understatement

You had been off ill for the past week so you met the serpents two days later than everyone else.
You walked into Riverdale high school and headed straight for your locker. You were instantly joined by Cheryl, your best friend.

"(Y/n)! Thank god your back, I've had to deal with these snakes all on my own" she complained

You wrinkled your nose as if there was a bad smell.

"Ugh I can't believe they're here, this is our school, they should've just thrown them onto the streets, not like they learnt much anyway"  you rolled your eyes

"Don't worry, they won't be here for long, I'll make sure of it" Cheryl had a devious smirk on her face which never meant good things, and you loved it.

"This is why your my best friend" you laughed, linking your arms with her, walking down the hallway


It was now lunch and you had encountered a few of the serpents, but had chosen not to start anything as you didn't want to get a detention.

You walked into the student lounge where you found your friends Betty, Veronica and Archie, you were never too fond of jughead.

"(Y/n)!" You heard Betty yell out excitedly "your back!"

You were engulfed in a hug by the blonde.

Laughing you hugged her back

"Wow I didn't know I was so loved" you joked

"(Y/n/n) are you feeling better?" Asked Vericona

"Yep, good as new" you replied

"Good to have you back (y/n/n)" Archie smiled at you

That's when you noticed the other presence in the room

"Snakes" you glared at the serpents

"Great another Northside princess" you heard a pink headed girl complain

"Excuse me, I'd watch your tone if I were you" you hissed at her

She stood up smirking "or what Princess? You'll slap me and yank at my hair?"

"I'll make you regret ever coming to riverdale high" you said angrily. You didn't know why you were getting so worked up over this girl, but something about her got on your last nerve.

She chuckled dryly walking closer so that you were only inches apart

Her voice dropped

"Oh sweetheart, I can make you regret you entire existence, you have no idea of the things I'm capable of, so fuck off with your empty threats and run along" Toni walked out of the lounge, two guys following her, giving you piercing glares

It was silent for a few seconds before you screamed out of frustration and collapsed onto one of the sofas, Betty rubbing circles onto your back.

Archie gulped "wow, that was intense"

"You can cut the tension with a knife" Veronica added

"Are you ok (y/n)?" Asked Betty

"I don't know, there's something about that girl, and I'm not sure I like it" You replied biting your lip


Over the next few months, you and Toni continued to pick arguements with eachother, the two of you claimed you couldn't stand one another however your friends thought differently

"Oh come on (y/n) you know you like her, just admit it"

"Veronica, let it go, I don't like that snake, I'd rather stick a knife through my eye than ever date her"

You, betty, Archie, veronica and Cheryl were all hanging out in the Student lounge, you and Veronica had been arguing for the past 10 minutes.

"Ok fine, maybe you don't like her but you definitely want to bang her" Archie Joined in the Conversation.

"Ew what is wrong with you both? Cheryl back me up here!"

"Sorry, but the amount of sexual tension between you two is unreal" She replied

You groaned "come on guys, I don't like Toni and I most definitely don't want to bang her either"

You hadn't noticed that toni had walked in the room, right as you had said that sentence.

"That's not what you said last night" she chimed with a smirk

Your head snapped towards the pink haired girl with a glare that seemed to be tattooed on your face whenever she was around.

"Nothing happened last night, because I don't fucking like you" you growled

"That breaks my heart, and after we had such an amazing night aswell" she places a hang on her chest mockingly.

You continued to glare at her not knowing what else to say

" don't worry sweetheart, I forgive you, judging by how you were begging for more, it would be cruel of me to deprive you of such pleasure" She winked at you

As you went to go and give the girl a piece of your mind you felt a hand covering your mouth and an arm wrapped around your stomach stopping you from getting up.

Toni simply laughed and called out "same time and place tonight yeah?" Before exiting the room.

As soon as Archie let go of you, you grabbed a pillow and screamed into it, frustrated and angry.

"Like I said, sexual Tension" commented Cheryl


Should I do a part 2? Let me know

Until next time x

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