Sexual Tension-part 2

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You sat in pops crying silently, playing with the straw in your milkshake.

You had accused Jughead of being a traitor, of killing all those innocent people  you know know why, but it all made sense at the time. He was always distant, always taking notes in his notepad, always willing to investigate any murder, you thought it was to cover his tracks. It had all made sense. Now that you thought about it, it did sound stupid, you felt awful, and it had cost your entire friendship with all your friends.

You don't know why you thought they would agree with you, I mean, betty was jugheads girlfriend, Archie was his best friend, Veronica was Archies girlfriend so of course she would agree with her boyfriend.

Lately, you had been driving yourself crazy, with all the murders happening, the stress of school exams, the constant bickering and teasing with Toni, it was all getting to you. You thought if you could solve who was behind the murders, then it would take at least one thing off your plate, the constant fear was driving you insane, you couldn't take it anymore. So you tried solving who was behind the murder, only you got it wrong, and were left completely and utterly alone when you were only trying to do good.

Quiet sobs left your mouth. Nobody could see or hear you as you were sat in the darkest booth in the corner of pops.

You heard the bell that indicated someone had entered the diner but you ignored it and placed your head on the table not caring who it was.

You only lifted your head when you heard someone sit opposite you, confused when you saw who it was.

"If your here to make fun of me, or tease me you can leave, I've had a shitty day and I dont have the energy to argue with you Topaz" you said placing your head back on the table expecting her to leave.

"Hey, i'm not here to do either of those things, believe it or not I'm here to see if you're okay" she replied softly.

Her tone of voice confused you, it was unusual to hear her sound so caring, her tone was always either angry or teasing.

"Why? You hate me and I hate you, that's how it's always been" You asked lifting your head up again to give her a confused look

She smiled "I never hated you"

"Yes you did! You still do! Or why would you pick fights with me every day??" Your voice raised slightly but you weren't angry, just baffled

She chuckled "wow you really are that oblivious huh?"

"Watch it Topaz" you glared slightly

"Woah calm down, I didn't mean it to be mean, it's just, you really didn't notice?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Notice what?" It annoyed you that for the past 5 minutes this girl had been making you more and more confused as each minute passed.

She shook her head "nevermind, you'll figure it out soon enough"

This time you raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

"Anyways, I meant it when I said I came here to see how you were" she leaned forward a bit, her eyes showing genuine concern.

"And why would I tell you anything?" You asked, still on guard. I mean, this was the girl you had done nothing but fight with for more than a month.

"Look (y/n), I'm trying to be genuine here, please can you let your guard down just for 5 minutes and stop being difficult" Toni rolled her eyes.

You sighed but complied, you didn't exactly have a line of people here checking up on you right now, so you'd take what you could get.

"Well if you'd really like to know, my life is currently going down hill at the speed of a roller coaster. I mean I've lost all my friends, with the exception of Cheryl but she's been too busy for me recently. I made a stupid mistake and now I'm completely alone because of it" You explained, another tear escaping your eye.

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