Chapter 3: "Meet Titanium"

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*Three years ago*

We were scared, terrified of what lied ahead. Alley and I sat in the back seat as Uncle Mustang drove us to Central for the first time. Ever. Back then we were just two tomboy kids with auto mail grease stains on our faces. Ally clenched the area where her hand used to be. I couldn’t blame her, only having one leg at the moment was freaking me out. But, for Ally’s sake I couldn’t show any signs of fear. 

“We… have an Auto mail mechanic at central that will start preparation for surgery when we arrive” Uncle Mustang announced.

Ally looked up from staring at her hand stub “so, your Roy Mustang… our mother’s older brother, correct?”

Uncle Mustang nodded glancing at us through the rear view mirror “correct, and from now on I will be looking after you” he tried to smile a little but I looked away.

“I don’t need you to look after me, brother taught us how to take care of ourselves so, thanks but, no thanks” I glared out the window not making eye contact with Uncle Mustang at all.

“Would you like to live somewhere else?”

“Yeah, with that soldier lady who visits us every few weeks… what her name again?” Ally asked. 

I did remember her, that woman with blonde hair that always came when our parents were ‘out of town’. Her name rings through my ears even at this very moment. Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye. 

“We should stay with you Uncle Mustang” I demanded a little too much. 

He smirked “fine with me, I’m sure we can arrange for my spare room for you both –we’re here”

Central was way bigger then I remembered from when we were much younger. It seemed like a huge castle compared to us. Riza and two other soldiers stood outside waiting for us. One was huge and had the muscles of a body builder, while the other reminded me a lot of our father. Ally stepped out before me allowing me to throw my arm over her shoulder. The man who looked like our father had a wheelchair ready for me. Ally helped me sit as the man said “don’t worry sweet heart, your safe now” his voice was soft and caring as if he was a father himself. They walk alongside us as we went inside central. 

I was immediately taken to the operating table where they strapped me down. I was ready for the pain; I knew there would be a lot of pain. I didn’t try to fight any of it; I was ready to kill the man who had taken away my perfect little world. He did more than just kill my parents; he took away my sisters childhood. I’ll fight everyday from here on out… for mom, dad, Ally, and most importantly… for Kyle. 

Kyle had wanted so desperately to become a solider like our parents, he just never told anyone. If Kyle didn’t use Alchemy that day to protect my sister and I… he would still be here. The man went after State Alchemist not innocent children like Kyle. 

This is one of the reasons why my hatred for Alchemy grew stronger every waking moment. This is why while I was having my nerves connected to the Auto Mail leg for the first time the only person I could think of was Kyle, and how much he had wanted to befriend the Elric brothers. 

“I swear, on my dying breath… I will find the Edward Elric… for Kyle” I muttered as the last of the nerves were connected.

“Coronal Mustang, she’s ready” the doctor said standing in the doorway. 

“Thank you, I’ll be there in a moment” he muttered, then turned back to the man with glasses “are you sure you want to take care of them, Hughes?”

Hughes nodded “of course, besides I have more experience raising kids!” he seemed more energetic then Mustang… are they friends?

“Sir” the doctor interrupted “since she’s your niece I gave her the best auto mail available, the outer metal is mostly made of Titanium. Your other niece will get the same for her Auto mail hand”

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