Chapter 7: "Rain of Sorrows"

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Gilbert greets us as we enter his hotel room "hey guys, long time no see" both Ally and I rush to him giving him a group hug. Ally starts balling as I try to hold back tears "we're glad your okay, you have no idea how worried we were"

"hey" he says softly "I'm okay, It's just a scratch, and besides my arm feels better than ever" I notice something odd. I can feel his auto mail arm around me even though I know for a fact he only had one auto mail arm which was his left one. I back up finding out I was right, both his arms are auto mail "Gilbert, what did you do..." he smiles grabbing both mine and Ally's hand "follow me"

he leads all of us downstairs and out the door down the road to a small cafe. I notice through the window Uncle Mustang is sitting at the bar turning when he hears the bell on the door jingle as we walk in. Gilbert lets go of our hands taking the seat next to Mustang "Gilbert decided he wanted to do something for you guys, and I have to admit I agreed when he said you kids would need all the help you could get. So, he thought if Ed could do it, so could he" Mustang stood up and walked to the back door of the bar and knocked on it "come on in" he said then sat back down.

the door creaked open, standing in the doorway stood a suit of armor similar to Al's. It's eyes glowed through the armor as he raised his hands in defense.

the armor shook in fear, its scared of us. 

"who are you?" I asked it trying not to shake too.

"It's me Ella... brother" his voice echos through the armor sending a wave of memories through my head.

I can hardly speak as my eyes fill with tears, I cup my hands over my mouth shaking my head is disbelief. 

"J-james?" Ally muttered clenching my hand "is that you?"

he nodded "did you think I'd let you two get into trouble alone?" he paused placing his fist out like the brother I had once knew did many times before "all for one"

Ally and I smiled stacking our fists on top of his "one for all" me and Ally said together. we then pulled him in for a hug weeping our eyes out.

we got our brother back, even if it was only partly.

we had so many questions as Gilbert walked in front of us with James. they joked around as if nothing had changed. "so, Ella and Ally have been trying to get our bodies back all this time?"

Gilbert laughed "yeah, It's been a year and a half since, hell they even became state alchemist"

James looked back at me shocked "really? I thought you swore never to work for the military"

I glared at him "yeah well I did what was necessary to get our bodies back"

Gilbert opened the door to our hotel room allowing all of us into the huge room.

Al and James sat against the wall talking to each other (Al's probably catching James up on everything), Ed immediately crashed on one of the couches, Mustang had already left without a word, and Ally was placing a blanket over Ed "it'll be cold tonight" she said smiling slightly "good night full metal" she leaned down and kissed his forehead "thank you, for giving us hope" he tensed but kept his eyes closed. I pulled off my coat lying down on the couch across from him. Gilbert turned off the lights saying goodnight to everyone before hopping into one of the beds. Ally laid down on the other bed.

I tossed and turned for hours until finally I gave up on sleep. I opened my eyes to Ed sitting up on his side of the couch hunched over "you can't sleep either?" I ask standing up jumping over the coffee table landing on the spot next to him sitting down. I shivered notcing how cold it had gotten overnight. Ed noticed me shivering and threw his blanket around me "Gilbert told me what happened. He found out that James is his half brother and that made him want to try making a blood seal like what I did with Al and bonded his soul to a suit of armor. He said it was the least he could do to help"

I shook my head "that's Gilbert for you, he's always put everyone else before him... so they really are brothers? I never would've guessed... but then again, me and Ally look nothing alike so..." I paused noticing Ed's hand shaking. was he cold too?

I lifted a side of the blanket placing it around him too, I rested my head on his shoulder trying to hide how badly I was blushing "what did Al look like... you know... when he had a body -if you don't mind me asking, I'm just curious"

Ed stared down at the floor clenching my hand "well... he has dirty blonde hair, dark gold eyes, and he always smiled..." Ed trailed off as I pictured in my head two little boys playing happily together in a field as if nothing could ever go wrong in the world. I want that for them.

I want to see Al in person, alive and happy. I want to Ed to no longer have to worry about everyone and just enjoy life. that one day will come and I'll do everything I can to protect everyone too. I will fight by your side Edward Elric... even if that means I have to die trying.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2013 ⏰

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