Chapter 5: "An Alchemist's Anguish"

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After many many days (four to be exact) our four eyed bestie was done rewriting all of Dr. Marco's research. When both Ed and I received the research, we found encrypted research that to 'normal people' looked like just a bunch of recipes. we thanked her, paid her, then took the research to a room to ourselves where we began decrypting Dr. Marco's research

"are you sure that this is even solvable?" I asked scanning the many papers in front of us "I mean this is things way beyond anything we were allowed to research"

"yeah well lets just say me and Al had allot of time to actually study before doing reckless things like performing Human Transmutation"

Ally gasped

"hey full metal stop acting like you're so damn special just because you had a father that left books around for you!"

He shot out of his seat "I had no choice! my brother and I were left to fend for ourselves-"

"are you kidding?! you had Winry and Pinako! they're family to you Ed! don't even try to deny it!"

Ed tensed

"My sister, Kyle and I had only mom and dad. that was it. you think that people in Rush Valley were nice to us because we knew things about auto-mail?" I strained from holding back tears "We felt like we owed that man and woman our lives! and we would die trying to bring them back"

Ed walked past me "yeah well you didn't die, your brother did. you think your parents would be proud of you killing their only son" his voice was cold making my blood boil

"AHH!" I launched at Ed throwing punches at his face making his nose bleed, finally Ally pulled me off of him holding me back as Ed wipes his nose

"to think my sister and I looked up to a poor excuse of a man like you!" I screamed through tears as Ally began dragging me out

"All righty, chill out hot head" Ally teased while we got glares from people as we went down the hall "aw man, we're going to get hell from Uncle Mustang for this" she dragged me into a room like the one Ed and Al were in filled with rows of bookshelves with a desk, chair, and lamp. Ally finally released me "my God Ella what the hell is wrong with you?" she huffed "you can't just go around beating the crap outta the Full Metal Alchemist, it's not what Kyle would've wanted-"

"can we just make rule?" I whispered, my back against the wall as I clenched my knees to my chest "let's not talk about brother anymore, alright?"

Alley stayed quiet, she didn't answer as she began pacing back 'n forth like she usually did when she's pissed. "Gilbert and Elric are going to arrive on the six o' clock train, if you can manage to not bring any of what just happened up with Uncle Mustang or with Hughes then I'll make sure to that red fabric that you've been wanting"

I stood up smiling "I'll be good... for mom and dad" I stuck my pinkie out

She smiled clasping my pinkie with hers "For mom and dad" she agreed.

(Later at the train station)

"I'm so sore!" Gilbert complained standing up from his seat as the train came to its stop, Elric looked up from his seat yawning "come on Elric, the girls are waiting for us!" Gilbert extended his automail arm reaching to grab his bag as Elric began barking as he looked outside the window of the train. His automail tail wagged as he scratched at the window "All right All right, calm down big guy people are staring. let's go" Gilbert said before making his way down the train isle to the exit as Elric followed behind.

Gilbert immediately spotted us as soon as he hopped off the train, he was still the same greasy hair, goggle wearing, crazy gear head that Ally and I've known since we were kids.... except...

"Damn, look at mister hottie!" Alley chimed before slapping him on his back "you've gone from zero to hero over night!"

Hughes shook Gilbert's hand "nice to meet you, I've heard quite allot of good things about you"

Gilbert laughed "well, I wish I could say the same thing" he glared at Alley and I as we laughed awkwardly

"hey! w-what a-a-bout me!" Elric scrached his machine on his head

"hold on" Gilbert cut in crouching down "I told you I needed to fix the transmitter before you used it again" he took the headset looking machine off of him placing it in his bag "Alright, where we headed?" he asked

I shook my head "we should probably go check up on the Elric brothers-"

Everyone looked down at Elric as he began growling at something in the distance. We followed his glare to a dark figure standing in the distance.Through the crowd I caught a glimpse of a tall tan guy

"Gilbert, take the girls to safety" Hughes said taking a throwing knife out. I slipped on my gloves "Gilbert hows your alchemy?" I asked

He laughed "Hows your ass from getting kicked all those times we spared as kids?"

I laughed shaking my head as the crowd began to thin giving us a better view of the man who took everything from me.

"Scar!" I yelled just as he began chraging forward as I snapped throwing fire at him as he dodged each one. I dodged his attack throwing Gilbert past me towards Scar as Gilbert turned his automail arm into a sword swinging at Scar only grazing his arm. Scar turned around grabbing Gilberts Automail arm. I screamed as I watched him shatter Gilberts arm as if it was glass. I charged at him swifty going around him shooting lightning, Alley froze his legs in place. he wasn't getting away from me, not now.

I stood in front of him out of breath as Gilbert stood next to me hold his hand where his automail arm used to be. I stared hard at Scar hating this man with every fiber of my being "do you remember me?" I asked in a cold voice. he didn't respond as he stared down at the ground. Alley came up behind him cuffing his hands behind his back "We're the two little girls from rush valley, you murdered our parents" she said cold as ice right in his ear "do you remeber me screaming for you to not hurt my mom?"


"Do you!" she said through her teeth as Hughes came up behind her placing his hand on her shoulder.

suddenly the cuffs snapped as if everything became slow motion, Scar turned around ready to shock Ally just as a stone wall shot up from the ground separating them. I glanced over as Alphonse was croached over with his hands to the ground knowing that he was the one who just saved Allys life.

"Ally, Ella come on! me and brother will keep him distracted while you get gilbert out of here!"

Ally shook her head "were not leaving you here alone!" we dodged Scars attack as I grabbed Gilbert pushing him away from scars attack. "you okay gil?" I asked out of breath "Lets go"I huffed throwing his good arm over my shoulder caryying him away wounded soilder style as Elric followed behind.

As we began heading down the almost dark street as the sun was setting beyond the buildings I felt a sudden chill in the air as another dark presents watched us from the shadows. no, not now.

"Lust, leave Gilbert out of this!" I yell as the shadow moves closer.

"I can see why you love that fullmetal boy..." I flench making Lust smile "he's a fighter, but he's always getting in the way of father-"

"He just wants answers..."

"well, he isn't going to get them with you following him around like a lost pup, my advice..." she leans in close to my ear "get away while you can. he'll be dead in a week" she whispers then turns away to leave "the promise day is coming sister, I suggest you say you're goodbyes to these humans you've become so fond of, they'll be dead soon"

then, she disappears without another word.

what a bitch.

FullMetal & Titanium (A FMA Love Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें