oh geeze.

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As I came downstairs, I saw that my mom wasnt terrified at all. Which made me so mad. I yelled at her.

"Mom!!! Seriously!?! Way to give me a heart attack."

A year ago, my uncle threatened to kill my mom and me for being terrible at taking care of my little sister. My uncle and mom dated in high school and after they broke up, my dad and her got together. And the rest is history. Well since my dad died he always came to our house with a knife and wed have to hide my sister while she called the cops. Hes gone to jail now but the memories are still there.

"Im sorry! I just got this package!!!" She said, way too excited.

I walked over to her to examine the box and what the contents of it may be.

My eyes finally adjusted. I couldnt believe that my mom got this. Or why she would even contemplate getting it. We dont have this kind of money!

A "Set Up Yourself Personal Recording Studio"

Wow. This must've costed her a fortune. I just brought my eyes up to meet hers. Worry evidently showed up because she noticed. And all she said was, "Think of it as a congragulatory thing. You did this with your amazing talent. And youre doing this for your sister. I got a great deal on it, so dont worry. Me you and Lucy can set it up later!"

I guess I was still shocked at the sight. And I had forgetten I left Lucy up in the bathtub scared.

"Oh wait. LUCY!!!!!! ITS FINE! FALSE ALARM!"

3 Seconds later I heard her yell, "OMG! SERIOUSLY!?"

I could hear her aggravated foot steps coming down the stairs. She was rambling about something, but stopped when she saw our happy faces. She placed her eyes at the box in front of me and my mom and walked closer to read it. After 3 minutes of her sounding out every word, she turned around with a huge smile on her face.


I turned to my mom, who had been laughing just as hard as I was. This was the best day ever. And it was a great way to end it. But tomorrow we start rehearsal and these next few weeks are gonna be PRETTY hard to forget.

And after having a piece of cake for our late night snack, we brushed our teeth and went to bed. My sister with me and my mom across the hall. Everything was turning out perfect.


My dreams seemed to have been perfect as well. I was with Austin and my stomach fluttered like crazy. He was singing me a song (Which of course I forgot) and my hair was flying perfectly in the wind. One thing I love about dreams: They make you feel flawless. So there I was with the perfect guy, in the meadow a couple miles from my house, while he sang me the perfect song. And once he was done we sat there staring into each others eyes. He leaned into kiss me. He was so close I could feel his minty breath on my lips.


God damn alarm clock. My perfect dream has been ruined by an inanimate object at 5 o clock in the morning. Great. And I still have 5 hours to get to rehearsals. But Austin will actually be there.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my phone vibrating indiciating Ive gotten a text message.

-What abnormal human being texts people at 5:02 in the morning!?-

I picked up my phone to see who it was, careful not to wake my sister. Though if that alarm clock didnt, I didnt know how I could. My smile grew huge as I saw the name if the recently called 'abnormal human being'

Speak of the devil.

Theres Always a Catch. (Austin Mahone One DirectionFAN FIC)Where stories live. Discover now