Our Encounter.

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*** Abbys POV ***

After my performance, we came up to the room. I ran in to Mason. He was wearing skinny jeans, Vans, a grey beanie, and a black jacket. I litterally ran in to him. I lost my balance and fell, he caught me right before I hit the ground. We stared in to each other eyes for what felt like forever.

His brown eyes captivated every piece of me. I felt like I was in a trance. I couldnt move until he put me up himself.

"Sorry for that. I wasn't thinking." I finally got enough self mind to reply to what he just said.

"No problem. Me either. But thanks, for catching me." He just smiled and nodded.

"Your in my art class. Arent you?"

"Yeah, I am." He knows who I am. OMG.

"Yeah your a good drawer! I didnt even know you could sing."

"Same here! Your really good."

"So are you. Do you think you'll get in?"

"Maybe.." my voice trailed off. I left out the part where I had Cody Simpson on my side.

"Good. I think Ill get in to. Id love to get to know you more, do you have a phone?"


Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to willing. Dammit.

"Can I have your number?" He laughed.

"Yeah, sure." I tried to sound coolish.

I put my number in his phone and his in mine.

"And now my lady, I must bid you ado. Until next sun rise."

"Ahh, yes. Until then, farewell kind sir." We laughed and walked away. I turned around, just as he did. I turned around fast and started walking fast. My face turning a light reddish color. Once he was out of sight, I started freaking out. Gosh hes adorable.

I replayed his words in my head over and over. He was geeky but it was cute. Its as if, if we were to ever be together, he could treat me like a princess. I got to our room and opened it to 6 girls, waiting for me.

"There you are!!!" Destiny said. "We were worried you were kidnapped or something-"

"But then we realized, theyd bring you back." Teal just laughed.

"Well, thanks." I looked at Eli. She looked like a mess. I cant believe Austin would do that to her. He seemed different. "Hey Teal, how is she?" I whispered.

"Shes a mess. Stacy said give her space and shell open up when shes ready."

And I did just that. I changed my skinny jeans to sweats, Toms to moccasins, and my uncomfortable shirt to a loose fitting Hollister shirt. I laid on my bed with my iPhone on the charger. I grabbed my laptop and checked Twitter and Facebook. My phone vibrated and I checked it only to see the name that made my face light up as bright as my phone screen.

- Mason:) : Hello there. -

- Why hello. -

- Mason:) : How are you this fine evening? -

- Enchanted -

- Mason:) : Is that so? -

We texted like this until, midnight. We both decided we should go to bed. I saw Eli, watching a movie and tears running down her face every couple seconds. I walked over to her and hugged her. She was watching Marley and Me. In a matter of seconds I was crying with her.

Once the movie ended, she thanked me for being there. I pranced back to my bed. All the other girls were asleep so I just turned off the light and we fell asleep.

My thoughts and dreams all around Mason.

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