Chapter 2

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I a picture above of Avery aka Alix Elizabeth Gitter :)

Chapter 2

Bria’s POV

“Oh c’mon,” she said, still laughing.

“Poor boy has had a crush on you since last year,”

“I know,” I said with a tone of disgust and she just continued to laugh of course.

Harry wasn’t exactly in out social circle or even remotely close to it, hence the continuous laughing coming from Avery. Harry had is fair share of friends like Chase and Lacey, and putting it as nicely as I could, they were all nerds. A few of them were pretty good looking to be honest, but they’re still geeks and my group chooses not to associate ourselves with them.

We go to parties and if you ever ask one of them if they’re going, you get a scolding about the parties and an explanation that they’ll be studying and most everyone else should be too. That of course gets a laugh and an eye roll before walking away.

Harry basically decided to be my shadow halfway into the first semester last year. I’m not even quite sure how we even met. Maybe we were partners for something, I don’t even know. All I know is that ever since then he always seemed to be around, not making the fact subtle that he was looking at me.

He never really came up to talk to me though and I never understood why, I guess it was the intimidation factor my group had, and I was pretty much always with them.

There was one time last year on Valentine’s Day when he had awkwardly came up to me and handed me some handmade card, only for him to get laughed off by the group of people there at the time.

I felt bad, honestly, but he had to know it was coming. I had to admit he was kind of pathetic and after all his failed attempts to talk to me, I wished that he’d let his little crush on me go, I mean seriously we’re in college, not fourth grade.

I honestly thought he’d be over it by now but considering his eyes were still locked on me right now, I’m guessing he’s not.

“Just go talk to him,” Avery said.

“No, I’m not into him and I don’t want him to think that I am,” I protested.

“Aren’t there any guys that you like?” she continued to pester.

“Not necessarily, no,”

“What about Zayn?” “Not into him either,” I responded.

“Didn’t you two like hookup though?” she asked.

“Yeah, I guess,” I shrugged.

“Why don’t you make a move toward him or something,” she suggested.

“I just told you I’m not into him like that,”

“Well you might want to tell him that because he thinks you are,”

“Not my problem,” I said.

“Yes it is, you keep leading him on,”

“Look, Zayn and I are only friends, okay?”

“Yeah with benefits,” she scoffed and I just laughed at her.

“Are you positive that there aren’t any boys you like?” she continued to bother me.

“Well there might be one…” I said, trying to conceal the smile that was creeping onto my face.

“Who?” she asked, full of excitement.

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