Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Bria’s POV

Avery of course had to tell the guys about the deal I made with Harry even though I had pleaded that she not as we had been walking with them to a small café on campus to eat lunch at.

“I guarantee that Bria is going to end up falling for the loser,” Scott laughed as he popped a French fry into his mouth.

“I guarantee that I won’t,” I said as I stole one of the fries off his plate, earning a glare from him.

“What makes you so sure?” he asked.

“Because he’s Harry, I’m not going to fall in love with him. He’d be lucky if I even considered him a friend after all this,” I said.

“Hey I think it could be fun for you. Think about it, he’s probably never had any sexual experience and you can train him to do things that you like,” Caleb said with a smirk.

“Train him? He’s not a fucking dog, Caleb,” Avery told him.

“He does have a point though,” Scott added in.

“Are you sure he’d even be open to that though?” Zayn asked, he’s been quiet for most of the time we’d been eating lunch, but he usually is.

“Oh Zayn here doesn’t want any competition,” Scott teased.

“I’m being serious though,” Zayn said.

“Sure man, sure,” Scott smirked.

“I’m just excited to see how all this is going to play out,” Caleb said.

“I still think she’s going to fall in love with him,” Scott said again.

“And I still know I’m not,” I said for about the twentieth time since Avery told them about it all.

“I at least think you’re going to develop some feelings for him. What if the roles changed and you were the one who followed him and watched him instead of the way it is now,” Scott said amused.

“I saw we bet money on this,” Caleb said. “I say we don’t,” I told him.

“Oh come on guys, just leave it alone. I honestly doubt anything is really going to change,” Avery said as she reminded them about the loophole I had come up with.

Scott just smirked as he took a sip of his water, obviously not believing what Avery was trying to convince him to believe.

After we finished lunch, the rest of my day was pretty uneventful. I had two more classes that I had to go to, and after that, Avery and I spent the rest of the afternoon at the Walmart near campus and we went through all the movies they had on sale there and bought a few to watch on our new TV back in the dorm room.

I had eventually gotten her to stop talking about the deal I had with Harry. My friends didn’t need to make a big deal of it because literally almost nothing was going to change. I was going to be with them most of the time anyway and Harry was too much of a pussy to build up enough gets to talk to me when I was with all my friends since they were intimidating to him and he had a bunch of pressure put on him not to say anything stupid since he would have the eyes of Avery, Scott, Caleb, Zayn, and occasionally Louis on him.

Avery and I were currently sitting in our dorm room, watching a movie that Avery had insisted was amazing and was so excited to watch. I however was having trouble actually getting into it and getting as giddy about the storyline as she was. All I knew was that it was one of those cheesy romance movies that Avery just loved and I of course hated.

I hated those movies with unrealistic expectations of relationships. If I was going to watch an unrealistic movie it was going to be an action movie or a more futuristic movie with an exciting plot. At least with those movies you knew that it wasn’t going to happen in real life. Avery's movie gave people unrealistic ideas of how they’re could be since most of those movies were set in modern times.

I eventually found myself beginning to doze off as Avery was lying at the foot of her bed with her eyes locked on the screen. I went ahead and turned off the one lamp that we had on but Avery didn’t seem to care.

I had been up so late watching movies with Avery that when I heard my alarm going off in the morning, it felt like I had only been asleep for only a few minutes even though it had been longer than that. I had pressed the snooze button on my alarm so many times that by the time Avery and I finally got up, I only fifteen or twenty minutes to get ready before my first class started, and Avery only had maybe had five or ten minutes.

So she of course was frantic, running around the room trying to get ready before saying bye and bolting out the door. By the time I had finished getting ready, I had about five minutes before my class started, probably less than that.

I had tried my best to get ready quickly but I was just too tired to care enough to make sure I was going to have enough time to walk to the building. I’m sure I could make it to my class just as it was starting. If not though I’ll just end up skipping that class today.

As much as I do enjoy English class, we haven’t really been doing much and that was the class that I had with Harry so honestly life would go on if I skipped. I figured that I should at least try to get to the building for class since I didn’t want to start skipping classes already since I tended to do that more often towards the middle of the semester. I was quickly walking out of the dorm building and down the pathway that was on the way to the building I needed to be at.

When I was inside the building and walking into the classroom as I checked the time I was surprised that the professor hadn’t started class yet since I arrived at the exact time he usually started teaching. I wasn’t complaining though. I was looking around the room to find an empty seat to head to since I was stuck with whatever was left. I sighed silently to myself when I saw that the only unoccupied seat left was right next to Harry. With my luck that seat of course is the only option I have.

“H-Hey,” Harry said to me with a small smile as I sat down next to him. I gave him a blank look before turning to face the front of the room.

“So, um, do you want to hang out o-or something this weekend, maybe?” Harry nervously asked me.

“I’m busy this weekend,” I told him and that actually was the truth, not just me trying to avoid this deal I had agreed to. I was going to a party at the frat house this weekend.

“Oh um okay, w-when are you free then?” he questioned.

When was this damn class going to start, I saw the professor standing at the front of the class talking to a few of the students in the front row and I wished he would just begin teaching so I wouldn’t have to keep trying to avoid talking to Harry.

“Don’t know,” I responded to him.

“Oh okay, you still remember our deal, r-right?” he asked and I wished that he would stop stuttering every sentence that he said to me.

It was annoying yet entertaining how nervous he seemed to be. My thoughts were confirmed when I had said that Harry honestly didn’t have a clue how he was going to enforce this deal and try to make it work in his favor.

I hoped that he never figured out a plan for himself because I wasn’t sure I could always make excuses to him. I mean I could, but he would call me out on it. Maybe he would do it speaking like a regular person instead of acting so apprehensive about everything.

Thankfully the professor finally decided to start the class, saving me from having to continue this conversation with Harry.

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