Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Bria’s POV

Like everyday, I was not ready to wake up the next morning when I heard my alarm going off. Today Avery and I got up on time since we didn’t stay up as late last night. After I had gotten ready, I had to wait a bit longer for Avery since she decided to take a shower this morning. I had taken mine last night and she was going to take one last night at well but she ended up not doing it, because the line for the showers was getting too long.

Our hall in the building all had to share a bathroom, and the fact that it was coed made it even more difficult since there were more people sharing the bathroom than there would be if there were two separate bathrooms.

Nevertheless, Avery made sure she got in line for showers this morning before it got to long. Mornings were usually the easiest times to get a shower since people got up at different times according to when their classes started, I usually just like taking showers at night better so I make sure I get in line early.

There wasn’t like a crazy amount of people waiting, it was mainly just Avery and I were very impatient people.

“So are you excited for your date with Harry this afternoon,” Avery said with a grin on her face and I had to hold back the urge to want to curse her out like I had wanted to when she set this whole thing up yesterday.

“It’s not a date,” I stated to her as I slipped my combat boots onto my feet and then stood up.

“You could at least put more effort into your appearance for today,” she sarcastically scolded.

“You’re lucky I even changed clothes, I could’ve just stayed in leggings and I t-shirt,” I told her.

“I don’t know, Harry might’ve enjoyed those leggings,” she said with a smirk.

“I don’t think he would notice, I doubt that boy has a sexual bone in his body,” I said.

“Hey you never know, he could be one of those guys that acts like a nerd but secretly is like really buff and has a whole Fifty Shades set up,” Avery joked.

“I doubt he’s a masochist,” I assured her.

“You never know,” she responded with a grin.

“Even so, I wouldn’t want to partake in that crap,” I told her as she laced up her converse.

“Seriously though, you better not act like a bitch to Harry on this date or whatever you want to call it,” she told me.

“Why do you even care?” I asked for what felt like the tenth time since yesterday.

“Okay well in those movies I was watching the other night that we had bought, one of the movies had like this loser of a guy that had this huge crush on the main girl character. The girl obviously didn’t like him though because he was known as the loser and she didn’t want people to see her associate herself with them. So then she went out with the hot guy but he ended up bring a huge jerk and she discovered that the loser guy was actually the right guy for her,” Avery finally answered.

“That’s a load of crap fed to teenage girls by Hollywood,” I told her.

“Hey it could happen, they have to get their stories for movies from somewhere,” she said.

“Yeah, they get it from the minds of middle aged women with failed marriages who write relationships they want, or middle aged men who are losers that no woman wants to date,” I told her.

“Well damn, no need to be rude about it,” she said, obviously not expecting the answer I had given her.

“I still don’t understand what it is about you and your hatred of relationships. I get that your parents got divorced and everything but still, you have like a psycho hatred of the subject,” she said and I just shrugged.

I’ve never really talked about my parents that much with her because there are just some things that best friends aren’t even close enough to tell, one of those being my nonsexist desire to be in a relationship, I just don’t care, I honestly doubt it would ever work out for me so my thing is why even try if it’s going to fail.

Since I’ve realized that now I’ve saved myself from heartbreak in the future if I convince myself that my relationship would be different from those before in my family, that mine would survive, only for me to get cheated on and abandoned like my mom and my grandmother on both sides of my family. It was the fucking circle of life. Unfortunately the men people in my family chose were the ones who couldn’t keep their eyes on just one girl.

Eventually Avery finally decided to drop the subject all together because I’m sure she could tell that I was getting pissed about having to talk about all this. I already knew I was going to get enough teasing from Caleb and Scott this morning, so I’m at least happy she wasn’t doing that.

What she had been doing, somewhat taking Harry’s side in all this had kind of been confusing me though. I guess however she wanted to interrupt this whole thing was up to her. I just wished that all my friends would stop making a big deal out of this and bringing it up almost every time I was around.

I mean sure it’s only been like what, maybe two days, but it felt like it’s been going on for much longer than that. I knew that it was something for them to talk about though so that was the main reason they kept conversing about it, they could come up with some good jokes from it.

Zayn was the only one who never said anything about it and I found that very calming. Avery claimed it was because he liked me and he wasn’t enjoying the fact I had made this type of deal with Harry of all people, but I still wasn’t convinced that he actually liked me.

My guess was that he just thought that all this was going to put an end to our fling, mostly at the parties every weekend, but it wasn’t. Harry and I weren’t even dating, so even though I made this bet I could still almost do whatever I wanted, just live my life as usual.

After finishing up at the coffee shop with everyone when it was time or past time for most of our class, I began walking to the same building I go to every morning at this time. I was really dreading it for obvious reasons, and I was hoping that I would at least not end up having to sit with Harry since I was going to be spending my time with him at lunch this afternoon.

People moved around where they were sitting everyday, so I was tempted to sit next to someone else, but I honestly didn’t want to sit next to a stranger, not that sitting next to Harry wasn’t strange though. I eventually just gave up and decided to stop caring and just sat down where I usually sat.

Of course the few minutes following brought Harry into the classroom with a subtle giddy look on his face as he sat next to me and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at him when he wasn’t looking.


sorry it's a boring chapter :/

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