Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Bria's POV

"So now that you've made your plans with Harry for the night," Avery smirked,

"How about you tell me what went down at the party last night,"

"You were just so against my decision at the frat house last night, and now you want to know the details?" I asked her.

"Well since you did and we're talking about it, you might as well tell me what happened," she shrugged but I could tell she was eager for me to tell her what all occurred between Harry and I last night.

I knew that she didn't want to much detail, she was just so obsessed with this whole thing between Harry and I that she just wanted to know everything about it all so she could feel like she was a part of it all or some shit like that.

"Well when we got to the frat house, it was already pretty crowded so we had to park a bit away from-"

"Spare me the boring details, I want to know what happened and what led up to Harry rejecting hooking up with you," she said and tried to conceal a laugh.

"Of course you do," I mumbled.

I really wasn't up for telling her all of this but I knew she wasn't going to leave me alone until I told her everything.

I was hoping that if I was this willing to spill everything to her that she would keep her mouth shut when everyone else was around, because usually when she would bring things up around the boys that I didn't want brought up, it was because she was mad about something that I wouldn't tell her or something along those lines.

I obviously did not want any of this brought up to the guys; especially Caleb and Scott because I would never, ever hear the end of it from them. I went ahead and started with when Louis had been offering us the drinks. I had to convince her that I was going to get to what she wanted to hear since she had started complaining that she was there when Louis was offering the drinks and that I was just stalling.

I told her about my thought process of deciding if I wanted to actually follow through with what Caleb had told me I should do or not. It made more since to her why I was considering doing it when I had told her about Harry's rambling to be back in the dorm and she was just as surprised as I was that Harry had let something like that slip out of his mouth.

I told her how I had gotten Harry into the game room and why I picked the game room instead of another room because I figured it would be the best choice since Harry obviously wouldn't willingly and obliviously go into a bedroom.

"This is just too good," Avery joked and clapped her hands together as I had continued to tell her about what happened after Harry and I had went into the game room.

I was actually embarrassed to tell her more of the detailed things just because it was so awkward in every aspect, even when the event was actually happening which just made it more cringe worthy now.

"So you didn't sleep with him, right?" Avery asked, and I hated her need to confirm it. I get it; he rejected me in that sense.

Even though that didn't mean very much since it was Harry we were talking about here, I still wished that we could just stop talking about it.

I knew that Avery wasn't going to drop the topic though and like I had mentioned before, I'd only be hurting myself since she'd be pissed that I wasn't telling her what she wanted to know about Harry and she would spill everything she knew to Scott and Caleb and that was just going to be hell for me.

"Will since he was going along with what I had started, for awhile I thought we were going to, or at least get somewhere close," the words felt weird on my tongue as I spoke, but I needed to tell her everything, I also believed that maybe this whole thing would just stop bothering me if conversed about it and just said all of what happened and got it all out.

"Continue..." Avery egged on and I hadn't realized how long I had been in my thoughts and forgot to go on with what I was say.

"Yeah, so since I thought we were, um I...I took off my shirt and-"

"You what?!" she exclaimed as she jumped off her bed and pulled a chair over to sit closer to me.

I couldn't tell if her shocked state was one of anger that I did that or just pure surprise that I did that.

"Don't make me repeat it," I pleaded.

"Sorry, I just can't, I can't believe you did that, never in a million years would I think you would be so quick to strip down for Harry," I could tell that she was trying to hold back a laugh. I grabbed a pillow off of my bed and threw it at her for her word choice.

"Okay okay you got your laugh, you can stop now," I told her once awhile after she had begun laughing.

"Promise you won't bring this up to Scott and Caleb. I don't know if I could deal with the teasing and shit that they would throw on me," I said as I got up to grab the pillow that I had thrown at Avery a while ago.

"Don't worry I won't say anything, I'm not that cruel to you," I was relieved that she said that because I was a bit worried that she might say something like this was gold and she had to tell them or something like that.

"So did Harry ever tell you or give you an exact reason why he didn't want to do that with you then even though he practically said he did when you both were in the dorm?" Avery asked me after awhile.

"Nope, we didn't really talk about it at all afterwards," I informed her and she nodded.

"I guess he wanted to go on an actual date with you before he hooked up with you," she said, and I couldn't tell by the tone of her voice if that was meant as a joke or not.

"I'm being serious," she told me, knowing me well enough to know that I was wondering the questions she just answered.

I figured she was right though since harry and I never have exactly went on a date or however you want to classify it as. I went ahead and told Avery that Harry had texted me earlier asking me to go to dinner tonight.

Avery of course got excited about that and we decided to head o lunch so we could discuss tonight with Harry and just talk about whatever without the guys around.

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