Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Bria’s POV

After the professor introduced himself by giving a brief, yet far too long summary about himself, and went over the syllabus, he finally began to go into our first assignment. When went over to his computer and projected a power point slide onto the wall in front of us from the projector.

“Now to start off the year, I want each of you to chose a classic novel to engulf yourself in for the next month or so. Anything from Austen to Dickens, the choices seem infinite,” the professor began. He pressed a key on his computer and that changed the slide on the screen.

“I have taken the time to make a list of you few examples you may chose from, but since you all have chose to take this advanced class, you honestly should not need my help finding a classic novel,” he began.

I zoned out a bit after that. This was seriously the assignment of every English teacher it seemed. Pick out a novel that was not written in this era and write a report on it, due in a month. The same damn thing every fucking year I’ve been in school except in middle school you were free to chose any book, you were condemned as long as you even finished the damn book you chose.

“I encourage you all to spend the remaining time of this class in the library picking out a book. And even though I know some of you won’t be doing as asked, enjoy your afternoon,” he concluded and then dismissed the class.

“Short class today, huh?” Harry turned to face me the moment the professor stopped talking.

I didn’t answer him, just managed a small smile before turning away.

“So are you going to the library or-”

I didn’t hear the rest of whatever he was saying because I had already gotten up out of my seat and was walking out of the classroom. I wasn’t going to spend any more time in there today if I didn’t have to. The professor didn’t keep us in there for that long so my friends where probably all still in their classes so I really didn’t have much to do right now.

I figured that I might as well go to the library to pick out a book since I had left all of my books back home considering it was too much of a hassle to bring them all here with me. The library was more in the middle of campus so I had a bit of a walk to get there.

I noticed a few people walking in the same direction as me so I figured that they were coming from the same class as me and deciding to go to the library. I had a feeling that part of that class had just went ahead ditched the assignment and deciding to just get a book later. I honestly would probably be doing that too if I didn’t have anything better to do.

When I signed up for this class I was seriously hoping that we’d be getting a bit more challenging assignments. I guess I couldn’t really jump to conclusions yet since all he’s told us to do so far was find a book.

I made it to the library and once I was inside, I made my way back to where I figured most of the classics should be. I’ve only been in this library a few times. This was usually where I went to study at the end of the semester last year since it was a good quiet place.

I was walking down the rows of books, glancing at the titles of the books I was passing until I found one that either I hadn’t read that looked good, or a book that I wouldn’t mind reading again.

As I stopped to look at one section of books, out of the corner of my eye I saw someone else walking into this row of books. At first I didn’t think much of it until the person began to walk closer to where I was and I looked up a bit more to see Harry standing there, looking like he was contemplating with himself whether or not he should talk to me.

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