The Royal Wedding

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So I'm writing this because I was very disappointed by the short: it's not that I didn't like it, the story was really nice but I feel like they could've done more with it. They were obviously on a really low budget – seeing how the animation was – and I feel like they didn't get the wedding the importance Mal and Ben's wedding deserves. 

But go and stream the song of the short "Feeling the Love" because that slaps!!


"What do you think, Mal? Is this a little bit over the top?" asked Ben, looking at himself in the mirror with a yellow tie in his right hand. He was wearing his green suit that Evie had sewed for him a while ago.

"Mh... a little more than a little bit." Mal answered while sitting on his bed with her cellphone. Ben laughed. "It's just... You are just fine without the tie. Save it for our wedding? Maybe not the yellow one."

Ben turned around and sat on the bed right next to her. He took her hand and kissed it. "You can count on that." He told her, with a giant smile on his face. "Look, I have to go now. The meeting is about to start. See you later?" He said.

"Of course. I've gotta run to Evie for the wedding dress anyway. Love you." She said getting up the bed. Ben gave her a sweet kiss on the cheek and told her he loved her, too; then they both left.


It was the day of the wedding, and there was so much love and tension in the air. Audrey was going crazy adjusting some preparation for it, while Evie was giving all the attention to the dress of the bride.

"Mal!! There you are, where have you been? Oh my gosh, you haven't seen Ben, right? Please tell me you two haven't seen each other." Evie was freaked out at the thought of it.

"No, Evie. We didn't see each other all morning. Why is it so important anyway?"

"It's bad luck seeing each other on the day of the wedding, M!"

"Evie, give it a rest. Nothing bad is going to happen. Right, Carlos?" Said Jay as they entered the room.

"Mh-mh." Said Carlos, looking at his cellphone.

"What's up with him?" asked Mal, referring to Carlos.

"Jane went visiting Lonnie in China and they were supposed to come back for the wedding but the flight was cancelled. I already spoke to Lonnie; they won't be able to make it. But Carlos is making it a big deal out of it. It's like... since they got together they can't spend five minutes apart." Jay seemed annoyed by the thing. Mal thought it could have been because he didn't know whether he liked Lonnie or Gil – or more like if they liked him -; so talking about Lonnie made him nervous.

"Well... I'm sure we could video-call them, so that they will be able to-" Evie was interrupted by Audrey entering the room, freaking out.

"They are saying that all of the doves flew away. What are we going to do? Mal I am so sorry, if this is going to be a mess it's just my fault. Banish me from the kingdom, I deserve it!" Everyone laughed heartily. "What's so funny?"

"Audrey." Mal cleared her voice and took her hands. "You will not be banished from the kingdom. I beg you to stop stressing yourself out. This wedding is already perfect as it is. As long as I'm surrounded by the people I love, I don't care about doves or anything else. Alright?" Audrey nodded and they hugged. Evie thought that Audrey really was changed. "That reminds me. I gotta go talk to my father."

Mal left Evie's castle and went for the Isle. She still couldn't believe it: seeing the Isle and Auradon finally united. And it was all thanks to her, her friends and, especially, her fiancé. She finally did something that mattered, she proved herself to everyone. As she walked, memories started coming to her head: how she lived before Ben changed her life, how the Isle was before Ben changed their life. Because Ben certainly did changed lives. Which reminded her: the vows. She still hadn't written hers. Mal shook her head to keep that thought away for the moment.

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