Back to the Isle? (part two)

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Back to the Mistress of Evil's rotten castle, Mal had forgotten to buy (or steal...?) the things the mother asked her to. Fortunately Maleficent was sleeping. It was rare seeing her sleep because she was an active person but since she was locked in that Isle she always was less of herself. –Well she didn't age that much.- Hades said looking at his non-lasting lover. –She's one of the most powerful beings on this planet she doesn't age that much.- said Mal. –I'm also one of the most powerful gods on this planet and still, my hair is turning white.- Mal ignored the sarcastic comment of her father and reached for the fridge. –Why is your mom's spellbook in the fridge?- asked Celia with a face that showed her confusion. –She thinks that it's a safe, just don't ask- replied the girl almost laughing at the mother's ideas. –Maleficent always has had weird ideas and beliefs, I think Mal just gave up on them.- whispered Hades to Celia.

-There it is.- said Mal grabbing the spellbook out of the fridge. –And you need it for...?- Maleficent was standing there, behind the three of them, with crossed arms and a strict face. –Shoot, I knew it she always has had light sleep.- Mal looked at his father with a scolding face. –Hades. What-the-hell-are-you-doing-here?– asked Maleficent. –Well, you see babe...- Maleficent was shocked. –Don't you dare to call me "babe". Mal, what the heck are you doing with him and that miserable child? Are you going out of your mind? Hades don't get close to me, I swear I'll punch you.-

-Yes Maleficent I know you still love me, but it's not the time to...- he was interrupted again. –HADES!- and –DAD!- coming from both Maleficent and Mal. Hades gave up, shrugging his shoulders. Celia stepped aside, silent, she didn't want to interfere in a family business. –Dad? What the hell, Mal? Since when do you hang out with Hades?- asked Maleficent, going out of her mind. –I think I am well authorized to hang out with my father and this is not your business.- -Yes she's right and you're not even real!- exclaimed the god of the dead. –Dad, just please stop talking I've got this okay?- Hades stepped aside with Celia. –I need this mom.- said Mal showing her the book. –It's important. Please.- Maleficent looked at Mal, then at Hades. –Please?- said the god. Mal gave him a fiery look. –Just... don't scratch it. Mal, I'm trusting you and I never do so be careful at what you're going to do.- it was supposed to be a threat but to Mal sounded just like a normal mother talking to her daughter who just asked her something. And her mother was not normal.

They left Maleficent at the castle and went for the place where the barrier was a little less strong: Hades' lair. –It's so much underground so something has to work, right?- asked Celia, terrified that they were going to remain on the Isle forever again. –I hope so.- said, Mal.

-Well, while you try to do something I'm going to take a nap on my couch.- Hades laid on the couch and closed his eyes.

Mal asked Celia to hold the book while she tried to transform into a dragon. –Are you sure that you're going to fit inside this lair, Mal?- -I hope so.- She tried and tried but nothing: she couldn't transform so she had to think of something else.

-Wow this is just sooo cool! I didn't know it was that much underground. Oh, Mal there you are. We couldn't find you so we kinda asked your mom where you were? She said you were with Hades...?- Mal and Celia turned around, Hades opened his eyes: Evie, Jay, and Carlos were all standing right in front of them. –Who gave you permission to enter my lair?- he asked. –Well, it was open so...-

-Yeah, uhm you guys? I'm kinda in the middle of something so if you could please shut up?- The guys looked disappointed. –What happened? Since when you hang out with Hades and... isn't she Dr. Facilier's daughter?- asked Evie. –Yes I am. And now I'm going to shut up so that Mal can concentrate.- They were so confused.

-We need to link the Isle to Auradon. If the object that Celia grabbed at the museum it's still there we need help from there.- said Mal. –Yeah, and how exactly do you plan to do that?- asked sarcastically Hades. –I'm thinking about it.- -What is happening?????- kept asking Jay and Evie. Carlos sat on the couch because he didn't know what to do. –Okay, so uhm briefly we all live in Auradon, the barrier is down, we took it down, Celia just brought us back here by mistake and my future husband seemed to have died when he was one.- Now they were all more confused than before. –Aren't you the god of the dead?- asked Carlos, almost terrified to be there. –Yes I am, little guy.- -Yes he is! Carlos, I love you.- said Mal happily. –What...?- -Okay, so dad you are in fact the god of the dead right? So, you could talk to the dead? To Ben?- Hades nodded. –I think so, I could try.-

Mal didn't get how his father did, but he did it. He had opened some kind of a portal, calling out Ben. And there he was. Mal was so happy to see him but she couldn't hug him. –Ben? I need you to go back to Auradon, in the museum, and fix this. Celia, please describe him the object you touched.- said Hades to Ben and Celia. –It was long and grey I think it had an inscription on it? Like "ce que vous dites est de l'ordre" I think?- -Isn't it french?- asked Mal. –Yes, it means everything you say is my order. Some kind of genie thing.- replied Hades. –I understood what you are talking about. We never got what that thing was, we kept it in the museum because we thought it was magical. I'll try to fix this.- said Ben.

So, now basically they just had to wait. Hades had released Ben from the dead souls and he was now a ghost.

Some time after, there was a thud and they all were back in Auradon. Mal ran to Ben. They hugged and then kissed. –Oh, Ben I am so happy to see you, are you okay?- she asked. –Well, I'm not dead anymore so yes. Are you okay?- he asked. Mal nodded, looking at her father and Celia.

Later that day Mal and Ben went to speak to the kids who kept bullying Celia and Dizzy.

-It's not a good thing to spread hate like that. They're not evil. And if you keep doing this, you are not good. Stop, okay?- said, Mal. The kids were crying. Mal e Ben preferred to talk to them directly without involving the parents, hoping that it would have more effect. The kids swore that they would never, ever, did anything like that again, even because that behavior put in danger all of Auradon.

Now,all that remained to do was finishing to plan the perfect royal wedding.

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