Love, no matter what

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AUTHOR NOTES: Hiya! So, Ben is like my comfort character and I'll protect him no matter what. My headcanon is that he is, in fact, bisexual ('cause I am so he has to be, and I have a list of other reasons lmao i made a slide of a PowerPoint about that). I kinda see some traits of myself in him, so it is also kinda my experience with coming to terms with my sexuality.If you are homo/bi/lesbo/pan/transphobic please do not read, this is not made for you. Enjoy the reading!

- I think I'm bisexual. –

Ben was sitting on Audrey's pink chair while his girlfriend was trying to do her nails on her bed.

That was something in which the Prince was thinking about for at least two years, but told nobody.

- Isn't that when you have two personalities? Should I be worried? – Audrey asked him, not even getting her face up from her nails.

- No, that's bipolar, and it's more complicated than that. Bisexual means when you like both girls and boys. – He didn't know where that conversation could be going, but he hoped that Audrey would have helped him figuring that out.

- Oh – there was a second of silence. Ben could almost see the wheels turning in her brain. – So you're going to cheat on me? Or leave me for a boy? – Audrey sounded disappointed.

- No, it's not like that. I love you, you know that. And I think you're talking about being polyamorous. Those are two different things, even if a bisexual can be polyamorous. But I'm not. I just think I'm bisexual, that's all. – He hoped that maybe, explaining terms to her, she would've understood him.

- Whatever. Daddy says that's only for villains, on the Isle. Us good people can only have boy-girl relationships. It's bad, don't be that. Matter closed? –

- It's not bad. Audrey, your father can't even use an Iphone correctly. –

She didn't answer. Honestly, she didn't even understand what that had to do with anything: her father could not, in fact, use an Iphone correctly, but he knew much about other things, like this bad habit that her boyfriend was talking about. She shrugged her shoulders and tried to change the subject.

Now she was talking about Jane's new haircut and how ridiculous it was, but Ben wasn't really listening; maybe it was because he actually liked what the fairy Godmother's daughter had done with her hair, or because he was still thinking about his sexuality. Was it really something bad that villains did? He swore that he had heard Li Shang admit that his wife, Mulan, was – other than the love of his life – the reason he understood that he was also attracted to men. And Ben also remembered that his mother often read to him a story about two girls being in love. But maybe he misunderstood everything, after all, he was just a child.


That boy had the most beautiful blue eyes and his skin seemed soft like a cloud, and his lips - - oh, his lips were almost as pink as were Audrey's. Prince Ben couldn't stop wondering what was it like to kiss them. Not that he could. He had a girlfriend, a beautiful and sweet girlfriend who someday was going to be his wife; at least, that was the deal. And he was faithful, he had to be; what King would he make if he was going to cheat on his girlfriend?

- Signorino Benjamin, potrebbe ripetere alla classe ciò che abbiamo appena detto? – he almost forgot that he was in class. He kind of hated his Italian teacher, she was rude and for some reason didn't like Ben very much.

- I'm sorry, Miss. I got distracted. – he answered politely.

- In Italian, please. – Of course. Ben put a smile on his face, the sweetest smile, and used his (almost) perfect Italian: - Chiedo scusa. Mi sono distratto. – The teacher scolded Ben with her eyes, but then continued her class. But he couldn't pay attention, all he could think were Akio's soft and pink lips. What was wrong with him?

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