Happy New Year

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"Mommy!! Daddy!! Get up, Santa's arrived!!!" cried Melanie jumping on her parents' bed.
Mal sat down on the bed. "Yes baby, please give us 5 minutes and we are gonna open the presents"
"I'm sorry, I've tried not to wake you up but Melanie's a little devil" said Hades entering the room.
"Just like her mommy, I guess" replied Mal.
Hades took Melanie out of the room. "Ben, wake up babe." Mal tried to wake up her husband.
"Yes, I'm awake" said Ben, sitting down on bed. "It would be better if I hand you a brush. Look at your hair, it's so messy. You're beautiful" said Mal looking at Ben. "No, you're beautiful babe. Merry Christmas by the way."
"Mommy c'mon I wanna open the presents. Pleaaaaaaaase" Melanie contuined. "Just, let us finish eating Mel. You can go playing with you brother. Ten minutes."
Ten minutes later, all the royal family was sitting around the Christmas tree to open the presents. Melanie was beyond excited, Brian, Mal and Ben's second child, was sitting on his grandma Belle's lap. Mal and Ben were sitting together, and Hades was the only one who was standing up.
"This one is for Melanie, this one too, and look! This one is too." said Adam laughing. Melanie received almost 10 presents and Brian too.
"Mommy look! Santa brought me the sparkling doll!!! I love this. Look, Daddy!!!!"
Belle and Adam had received some books and family photos, Mal bought to her father a small ember, just like his old one that he donated to the museum.
"C'mon baby, open" said Ben to his wife giving her the present he had made for her. "Oh my gosh! Brushes and poster paint, I love you so much Ben." cried Mal. Ben was so happy that she was happy.
"I, in fact, have two different presents for you dear husband" said Mal giving the two presents to Ben.
The king of Auradon opened the first one. It was a book he read as a child that he had lost a long time ago. Once Ben told Mal that he missed really much that book and that he wished he could read it to their babies. Ben was really happy. But not as happy as when he opened the other one.
"This means that you are..." "Pregnant. Again. Yes, baby. You're going to be father for the third time." she bought a little shirt for a newborn. Ben's eyes were light by happiness.

It was New Year's Eve and Mal was forced in bed all day because of the baby she was carrying inside her. Ben brought her some cookies.  "Mrs Potts just made them. Hope you like. It's chocolate chips." "And walnuts?" asked Mal. "Yes baby" "I love walnuts." she replied. Ben laughed thinking of when she spelled him with that cookie with chocolate chips and walnuts. He remembered that he loved that. He was already in love with her though, Mal didn't know.
"I put the chips mommy" said Brian entering the room with Melanie. "Are you gonna be okay?" "Yes Mel, don't worry baby. It's just your little brother or sister" "I cannot wait to be a big sister again!! And, if the baby is a girl, which I really hope, we could play together with my dolls and I could put make up on her so she will look stunning like you mom" Melanie really talked a lot, she was so pure and smart, just like her daddy. They spent the evening in bed with Mal, playing and talking. They saw a movie, Brian's favorite. They ate strawberries, until it was midnight.
"I love you so much. I really do." "We do, too Mal. Happy new year love."

author speaking
hey guys!! Happy New Year to you all, hope you like the one shot and that y'all have a great 2020.

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