I'm Not Gonna Leave You

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"Mal you ok?" asked Ben gently to his wife. Mal woke up, all sweaty. She breathed heavily. "Mal you ok?" repeated Ben. Mal looked at his husband. "Yeah I'm ok. Just a little nightmare. Nothing more. I'm sorry I woke you up" said Mal. "Don't worry. Now, come back to sleep honey. We have a meeting tomorrow." said Ben, hugging Mal and cuddling her hair.
The next day, after the meeting Mal and Ben joined Ben's parents for lunch.
"Oh Mal, you're stunning darling!" said Belle. Mal didn't understand why she was stunning that day, because she didn't sleep at all and all that she was wearing was a simple purple dress with little dragons on it.
"Thank you, Belle. You look beautiful too." thanked Mal before sitting near Ben at the table.
"Mal, honey. Don't play with food. You're not hungry?" said Ben looking at her.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to. It's just--you're right I'm not really hungry. Actually I am very tired. I think I will go upstairs and try to sleep" Mal got up, she gave Ben a kiss on his cheek, then she said goodbye to Belle and Adam and she went in her bedroom.
She tried to sleep. But she couldn't. When Ben arrived upstairs, he joined Mal on the bed but he started reading. The Queen of Auradon laid her head on Ben's chest.
"Sweetie if you're not feeling good why don't you just tell me?" Ben asked her. "I am feeling good Ben. What are you reading?" Mal changed subject. She didn't want to tell her husband that she was having really bad nightmares about herself. She started to be scared of herself. And she was afraid that, if she had tell him, Ben would have been scared of her, too.
Some time later Ben got up from bed and put the book back in his library. Then he left Mal in the bedroom and went to work in his study. He was really worried for his Queen. He saw that she didn't eat or sleep. All she did was staying in bed all day trying to sleep. Sometimes he thought he had saw or heard her crying during the night.
"Do you wanna eat something, love? It's dinner time" Ben asked entering the room. "I'm not that hungry. I think I will stay here. Ben? Can you not come back in your study after dinner? Can you stay with me?" "Yes, I can baby."
When Ben came back in the bedroom, he hugged Mal and started to kiss her forehead. Soon Mal fell asleep and so did Ben.
It was about 3 a.m. when Ben heard his wife screaming in her sleep. He tried to wake her up but failed. She was crying and screaming and she was hurting herself. As soon as Ben tried to hug her and calm her down, she almost hurt him too. Then Ben started noticing that Mal was about to transform herself in a dragon.
He grabbed her arms so that she couldn't hurt herself or him anymore and started cuddling her. He kissed her forehead, her neck and he played with her hair. He was doing all he could to calm her down and not get her transform into a dragon.
Soon she woke up and screamed again.
"Mal! You're okay. Oh God, you scared me! I was afraid you weren't going to wake up" "Did I- did I do that to you?" asked Mal, referring to the scratch she did to Ben while he tried to calm her. "It's nothing babe, don't worry. What happened? And don't say nothing because you're not good and I wanna know why!" said Ben continuing to hug her.
"I'm having this nightmares Ben. About me. I am me but I'm evil. I'm with my mom and I hurt my dad and you and Evie, Jay and Carlos. Ben, it's horrible. I killed all of you once. I don't wanna do it Ben. I'm scared of myself. I didn't wanna make you be scared of me, too." Mal started to cry and she hugged Ben tightly.
"Mal, I could never be scared of you. These are just nightmares. It will not happen. You're just afraid of your evil side. It's ok to be afraid you know. All that you have to do is trying calm you down and trying not to be afraid of that side anymore. You said yourself that we all are capable of good and bad. I'm here. You're gonna be okay. I' here and I am not gonna  leave you. I love you, Mal."

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